Anonymous ID: 6a9d16 Oct. 10, 2018, 1 a.m. No.3421804   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>How can they save themselfs without civil war?


>What can they do without our bad actors?


Chinese people are clever, diligent, and capable of making friends like Putin. The Chinese people will be fine, Anon. They don't need USAfags to save them from starvation. Now, the Chinese Communist Party might suffer a loss of political backing. That is not a huge problem, especially if Communism is not your favorite ideology.



>Pizzagate is a blackmail operation headed by mossad, it puts pedos in Western powerful positions so that Israel can remote control the whole West more easely (along with their AIPAC, MSM domination, dual citizenship politicians and judiciary and sayanim jews).


>Trying to appease the population by showing them that 80% of all politicians are pedos and/or pedo enablers and protectors would not end well. At least for now, public must be primed and prepared first, otherwise SwillHTF hard, and the whole point is to avoid SHTF in the first place.


Okay, fine, the masses must be redpilled gently. So redpill them about Hollywood. Give them a celebrity pedo every week. (There must be hundreds of celebrity pedos just in Hollywood.) We have got to start somewhere. We have got to let the normies know that organized pedo gangs are a clear and present danger. We don't have to redpill them on Mossad right away, but we do have to redpill them somehow.