Anonymous ID: 89e873 Oct. 10, 2018, 12:18 a.m. No.3421664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1736


speak of the devil,kek

which reminds me. I found this site last winter. WU TANG CORP.

It has 249 pages, each page has 15 pictures or videos.

They are about illuminati, pizzagate, Clintons etc.

I actually found some pics and videos there i had never seen before.

Been awhile since i looked through it. ( to be honest i never went through all the pages)


It's a interesting site to check out. It's a thread called Satan's lair.

Author of the posts is Satan, and it says it's location is hell, kek

Also some of the videos have been removed

( probably by youtube, as they have tried to clean and erase info from the internet this past year)