Anonymous ID: 8c1928 Oct. 10, 2018, 12:20 a.m. No.3421672   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Things seem bad for McCabe at least. No pension. Supposed Grand Jury. Still taking trips to congress to testify. Signing his name off on anonymous sources about the Deputy AG from his basement. Doesn't sound like a good life for him. He did get the GoFundMe though.

Anonymous ID: 8c1928 Oct. 10, 2018, 1:38 a.m. No.3421891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1897


Interesting post anon. I agree patience is a virtue. Albeit a hard one to master, but if practiced, especially in a military sense, it can save lives. For those who know a bit about Roman history, I'm always amazed at the final showdown between Julius Cesar and Pompey. It was the battle of the millennia, two highly decorated undefeated generals facing off for the future of the roman empire and quite possibly the world.

All the advantages laid with Pompey. He had the fortifications, food, supplies, and the numbers. All he had to do was wait out Cesar and watch his troops disband and starve. But as history tells it, the generals and politicians accompanying Pompey begged and demanded immediate action. He gave in, engaging an enemy at its full force when time would have done the work of greatly diminishing it. Naturally Pompey lost the battle and the war.

Patience anons. I know it sucks. But /ourguy/ sits in the Whitehouse He was the strength, the numbers, the fortifications and resources on his side by virtue of being POTUS. The time to engage is not now. Let (((them))) disband and bicker among itself. Never interfere with an enemy when it is in the process of destroying itself. Patience.