Anonymous ID: 9dfed5 Oct. 10, 2018, 1:26 a.m. No.3421859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1873 >>1891 >>1903 >>1905

Apologies don't know how to copy post number from PB (in notables Bread 4335). To this Anon ty, this is an incredible post;


Have posted this info b4, but it's been awhile. Ex-pharmafag here. I worked on a bioterrorism countermeasures project for DoD/DARPA in the 00's and was given the skeleton of the early Q plan. DARPA players were a mix of whitehat/black, but USAMRIID/Walter Reed (whitehats) were also involved. I wasn't high up to begin with–I was young–but I was brought in for detailed one-on-one mentoring after about 1.5 yrs of vetting to determine I was "a patriot." This was the word used then, at a time it wasn't in regular use, and I wouldn't even have directly described myself as such. But I'd played whistleblower a number of times in my prev. jobs (even had dinner with a UN member over it), and was told this meant I was "incorruptible"–that I would tell the truth even if it meant personal sacrifice. (And if you know anything about crossing Pharma, you'd know they play dirty. I “personal-sacrificed” bad, was hounded for years).


This means that 15 yrs. ago the plan was already well on its way, but was still in the foundations-laying phase. What was our project? To create a "broad-spectrum anti-infective" agent to be used after the fact–i.e. more like an antibiotic, not a vaccine preventative– should any bioterrorism agent be used, even those that have been genetically modified. It was to be implemented for troops immediately, but to be stockpiled for civilians long-term. The project took over $1bn and went many years. Anons, we made that agent, and Walter Reed likely mass produced it. The cabal knows it–think of it as a "Star Wars" type defense against missiles, but for bioweapons. When Q says, "you are safe" he means it.


The point is, these guys took all steps to prepare defenses for everything the cabal could use to hurt us, well in advance, before tapping in Trump to start the offense stage. My story is just one of what are no doubt dozens of similar preparations across health/finance/mil/gov./media spheres. As soon as Q started posting, I recognized the lingo, players and message, and I've been 100% on board ever since. I wish I could share every detail of my years working for these guys so you'd have the kind of certainty I do—the future-proves-past moments are a bundle of wild crumbs in themselves—but I'm limited by self-doxx restraints, and I have no desire to famefag. Anons will activate bullshit detectors on this post as they always do, and you can decide for yourselves whether it rings true, in parallel with all Q's posts and the other insider claimants that chime in from time to time.


There really are good guys out there, and they're hard core. These guys HATED the disgusting financier/usurper stock-shorting pigs raking in defense dollars as sitting CEO/CFO/Presidents, cheating taxpayers and shareholders and employees, laughing all the while. These Mil guys would come in from Fort Detrick etc. and you could feel the contempt oozing from them as the smarmy, dirty execs would diss them just like Brennan and Rosenstein do our good guys now, cocky and condescending. My mentor used to laugh after, at how these losers were gonna get payback a thousand times over. Think POTUS's look when he said "because you'd be in jail."


I was young and idealistic and very impatient at all the shenanigans then, and was constantly instructed in patience (and daily Sun Tzu, kek). I was told that the Mil were patient, but not to worry, their patience had limits. There was a military plan to BTFO these satanists if Plan A wasn't sufficient. But we're still in Plan A, and we're winning. So I doubt Plan B will be necessary, but it's there. And yes, these (((pigs))) are satanists, if not demons outright. There's a real good v. evil component here, and a supernatural one. That intel was included in my training as well. That's why prayers matter.


Don't lose faith anons. God's on our side and we will win. Keep exercising patience and humility, and troll troll troll. Just crack a beer for Kav when the bastards get you down and come back the next day swinging. That's how we MAGA.