Anonymous ID: 9e455a Oct. 9, 2018, 11:04 p.m. No.3421317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1331 >>1357 >>1387 >>1423 >>1442 >>1480 >>1582 >>1755 >>1793 >>1892 >>1907 >>1911

been here with you faggots since half chan cbts, I have always trusted Q and the plan, ups and downs never wavered,


telling us to vote fucked me up a little, [no declass] kinda democratic to acuse with no proof,


ok well I'm dumb and i will tell you why


I spent the day schilling for the first time all but hurt," fuck your slow justice nigger and fuck your vote" , on account everyone I know wants to lock me up in a mental home over Q,


anyway I was being called a faggot glowing schill by one of you other anons when i fig it all out.


I re read the crumbs, we need to bust them in the act,


elections don't fucking matter its part of the set up


however us registering does matter,


she's coming down boys whole fucking thing man


THE WHOLE THING MO FO,s my guess is they will catch them in the act publicly and snap 10 days


but us doing are part was to register


this pleases me


I was always on the same page with the plan and never doubted

Anonymous ID: 9e455a Oct. 10, 2018, 12:05 a.m. No.3421617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1675


im in wa state, it makes me wonder if they understand how many they will have to lock up that don't even realize there criminals, I don't think 50,000 is enough for one west coast state