Anonymous ID: a26529 Oct. 10, 2018, 12:21 a.m. No.3421674   🗄️.is 🔗kun


was just thinking the other day that we are very close to having people in Afghanistan who were not born when we invaded. but even that is not that long. the Korean war was before I was born and most Americans probably don't even know that officially that war never ended. So, for people complaining about 2 years (who are mostly shills, but they might convince some others) keep in mind that these are only the most recent battles in a very long war.


the progress that trump has made and will make is staggering. peace in Korea. peace in Israel (spoiler alert). these are historic achievements.


the enemies of the people want PERMANENT war. that is their entire political agenda. people wonder "why are we fighting" but they don't realize that WAR is an end to itself for these people. they don't need a reason or motive. they make up whatever reasons they can but they will always be trying to keep us at WAR.


just look at the most recent IPCC statement on climate change released a few days ago where they are saying how they need to tax carbon at the rate of $240/gallon of gas.


when they say "tax carbon" they mean taxing the existence of every human being on earth. a new global existence tax administered by an unelected global government with "carbon credits" (life credits) a new global currency. anyone who can't pay the tax is classified as a pollutant. whoops.


this report is the culmination of decades of work, hundreds of billions of dollars, a staggering global effort.


they expected hillary clinton would be president when this report was released. whoops.


we are winning. there is still much to do, but the accomplishments so far have been more than anyone could imagine.

Anonymous ID: a26529 Oct. 10, 2018, 12:55 a.m. No.3421789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1834


>Shall I continue to "Trust the Plan" even after we lose the House

since you are backing the other team, the answer would be NO.


the dims never stood a chance in the mid terms. they are fucking idiots. they run the media so they can pump out their wishful thinking bullshit all day but it don't mean shit at the polls.


they tell this story about a "blue wave" because they are totally desperate to keep hope alive and raise money when they have NO POWER AT ALL. do the math. contributions = bribes. hard to collect bribes when you don't hold any offices.


dims are fucked for a generation. I suggest to start collecting your wages in cash. you won't be getting paid after election day. that I guarantee you.

Anonymous ID: a26529 Oct. 10, 2018, 1:21 a.m. No.3421849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1854

> The protests liberals whipped up against Kavanaugh this weekend, on the other hand, revealed too much about their own weakness. Washington, D.C. is a majority Democratic city with a black majority. But the Democratic voters out there yelling about Kavanaugh were as white as any country club gathering of Republicans.


> Where were the black Democrats?




Washington D.C. is 60% black, but every protest is 99% white.