Anonymous ID: cc25a4 Oct. 9, 2018, 11:19 p.m. No.3421394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1426 >>1437 >>1489

"Good" Bombing: NATO Op Against Yugoslavia Was a War Crime – Lawyer


Jens Stoltenberg's claim that NATO "protected" Yugoslavia from the government of Slobodan Milosevic is nothing but propaganda, Christopher C. Black, a Toronto-based international criminal lawyer told Sputnik, stressing that NATO had no legal reason to attack Yugoslavia and de facto committed a war crime against the sovereign nation.


"The NATO attack on Yugoslavia has nothing whatsoever to do with protecting anyone since the claims made by NATO against the government of Yugoslavia were false and were just a pretext for their aggression," says Christopher C. Black, a Toronto-based international criminal lawyer with 20 years of experience in war crimes and international relations.


Black's comment comes in response to a statement made by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg who told Serbia's RTS: "We are aware in NATO that many people in Serbia still have bad memories about the bombing, the airstrikes in 1999. I stress that we did this to protect civilians and stop the Milosevic regime," the NATO chief said.


"NATO countries had no legal right to bomb anyone for any reason as that is a violation of international law, the UN Charter, Nuremberg Principles etc.," the scholar underscored. "Their attack was aggression and therefore a war crime and they committed war crimes during the attack."


The NATO military campaign against sovereign Yugoslavia codenamed Operation Allied Force kicked off amid the Kosovo war (February, 1998 — June, 1999) between the country's government forces and Albanian separatists. The alliance's 78-day air raids resulted in 5,700 civilian deaths, infrastructural damages and contamination of the part of the region with depleted uranium.


NOTE: The first image of a bombing, the date 6/6/99. FFS

Anonymous ID: cc25a4 Oct. 9, 2018, 11:23 p.m. No.3421415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1456

Britain, NATO Prepare For War On Russia In The Arctic


On September 30 the UK’s foreign minister, Jeremy Hunt, delivered an astonishing tirade, saying “The EU was set up to protect freedom. It was the Soviet Union that stopped people leaving. The lesson from history is clear: if you turn the EU club into a prison, the desire to get out won’t diminish, it will grow — and we won’t be the only prisoner that will want to escape.”


His comparison of the EU to gulags of former years played well with many people in Britain, but was understandably regarded as totally inappropriate by the EU, whose spokesman’s polite observation was “I would say respectfully that we would all benefit – and in particular foreign affairs ministers – from opening a history book from time to time.”


The lunacy didn’t stop there. Not content with insulting the EU’s 27 countries, the government in London decided to whip up even more patriotic fervour by again trying to portray Russia as a threat to the United Kingdom.


In June 2018 the UK’s Sun newspaper carried the headline “Britain will send RAF Typhoon fighter jets to Iceland in bid to tackle Russian aggression” and since then Mr Williamson hasn’t altered his contention that “the Kremlin continues to challenge us in every domain.” (Williamson is the man who declared in March 2018 that “Frankly Russia should go away — it should shut up,” which was one of the most juvenile public utterances of recent years.)


It was reported on September 29 that Williamson was concerned about “growing Russian aggression ‘in our back yard’,” and that the Government was drawing up a “defence Arctic strategy” with 800 commandos being deployed to a new base in Norway. In an interview “Mr Williamson highlighted Russia’s re-opening of Soviet-era bases and ‘increased tempo’ of submarine activity as evidence that Britain needed to ‘demonstrate we’re there’ and ‘protect our interests’.”


Mr Williamson has not indicated what “interests” the United Kingdom could have in the Arctic region, where it has no territory.


The eight countries with territory north of the Arctic Circle are Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States. They have legitimate interests in the region which is twice the area of the US and Canada combined. But Britain has not one single claim to the Arctic. Not even a tenuous one like Iceland’s, which is based on the fact that although its mainland is not within the Arctic Circle, the Circle does pass through Grimsey Island, about 25 kilometres north of Iceland’s north coast. Britain’s Shetland Islands, its northernmost land, are 713 kilometres (443 miles) south of the Arctic Circle.


So why does the UK declare that it has “interests” in the Arctic and that the region is “in our back yard”? How can it possibly feel threatened?


The Arctic Institute observed in February 2018 that Russia’s “newer Arctic strategy papers focus on preventing smuggling, terrorism, and illegal immigration instead of balancing military power with NATO. These priorities suggest that Russia’s security aims in the Arctic have to do with safeguarding the Arctic as a strategic resource base… In general, the government-approved documents seem to have moved from an assertive tone that highlights Russia’s rivalry with NATO to a less abrasive tone based on securing economic development.”


And economic development is what it’s all about. On September 28 “it was reported that “a Danish-flagged cargo ship successfully passed through the Russian Arctic in a trial voyage showing that melting sea ice could potentially open a new trade route from Europe to east Asia.” It is obviously in the best economic interests of the European Union and Russia that the route be developed for commercial transit. To do this requires avoidance of conflict in the region.


So what’s your problem, Defence Minister Williamson?


Note: UK/NATO need war and a big one or they are fucked. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA (has way better weapons)

Anonymous ID: cc25a4 Oct. 9, 2018, 11:24 p.m. No.3421425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1451

PELOSI Is Pushing Carpetbagger Behind Iranian Regime Nuke Deal and Bribes Against Conservative Mike Bishop — DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN!


Rep. Mike Bishop (R-MI) is a conservative Republican running for reelection in Michigan’s 8th District. The district includes all of Ingham County, Livingston County, and north Oakland County. Mike is a proven conservative, a huge Trump supporter and a great guy.


Mike Bishop is also a top target for compulsive liar and Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi.


Pelosi and DC Democrats persuaded far left hack Elissa Slotkin to run in the Michigan district even though she lives in Washington DC.