Anonymous ID: 06fe89 Oct. 10, 2018, 4:18 a.m. No.3422362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2366 >>2369 >>2370 >>2385 >>2413 >>2425 >>2434 >>2541 >>2717

A lot of you defending Q's latest post are taking great pains to explain how difficult this whole operation is, and offer up excuses for the failure of Q (et. al.) to get shit done…. to execute the "BOOMS" that have been promised.


I'm sorry, I'm not buying it. The problem isn't that it's difficult to do, the problem is that Q has reassured us that they have had everything well in hand and covered… that they have anticipated the counter-moves by the enemy, and that part of "the plan" was how they would react to it all.


The PROBLEM we "concernfags" have, is about nothing more than the BROKEN PROMISES. Had our expectations been reasonably handled from the beginning, none of us would be upset at all!


It's about broken promises, and hype that is not being realized…


Q could have prevented this SOLELY by not hyping us up and raising expectations…


Quite frankly, it seems like a false prophet thing… keep predicting a big event, and eventually you'll be right… the trick is finding new and interesting ways to excuse why all your failed predictions were failures… and then when the big event happens, you say "See? I told you so!" and make a grand production out of it to mask all the previous failures. It's a well known psychological trick that cold readers and "psychics" use, where we remember the "hits" but forget the many HUNDREDS of misses.