Anonymous ID: 1a8024 Oct. 10, 2018, 4:25 a.m. No.3422391   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Clyde Lewis, who hosts Ground Zero on the radio, has been saying a lot what we talk about here lately. He has been speaking of The Cabal and secret societies, child sacrifice, human trafficking, etc.


However, a couple of weeks ago he strangely stated that "Q is a bot." So, as a long time researcher who's been here since Day One, I say "Screw you, Clyde Lewis!"


Last night Lewis said his wife, Janine, was belted across the chest by a police officer in Portland. According to Lewis, the wife intentionally involved herself in an arrest-in-progress, because she heard the suspect yelling at the police officer, telling the officer, "stop trying to arrest me, you're hurting me."


Janine Lewis threw herself into the melee, telling the officer, "I've worked in law enforcement, and this man needs an EMT."


So the officer allegedly (according to Lewis) "hit Janine across the chest with his forearm." My guess is that the cop blocked her from getting physically involved in disrupting the arrest-in-progress.


Lewis went on an anti-police rant after telling that story, to which my reasoned response is, "FUCK YOU, CLYDE LEWIS!"


Oh, Lewis also stated last night that he appeared on Alex Jones's shoe yesterday, too, so I suppose this is a case of two anti-Q mouthpieces aligning themselves with each other.


I just wanted to let you know, guys, in case any of you mistakenly thought Clyde Lewis was a patriot. He's not. In my opinion Lewis is a malevolent asshole who's married to a mentally unstable social justice warrior. She deserved to be belted because she was interfering with a lawful arrest and her intentional interference put that poor police officer in danger.


I have no sauce because I don't tape record his program, but I base my statement on my personal knowledge, because I heard Lewis's program as it aired. A statement based on personal knowledge would hold up in court.


Bottom line: Clyde Lewis says he and his wife are suing the Portland Police. Again, I say, "FUCK YOU, CLYDE LEWIS!"'