Anonymous ID: 7a8197 Oct. 10, 2018, 3:21 a.m. No.3422161   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2173 >>2174 >>2205


>Knowing this counter attack has been in the works for over 15 years

Sorry bud but you actually don't know anything. You think. But you do not know. This is not the message that needs to get across. We're in this hell of a mess precisely because people like you automatically believe what they hear. For years and years it's been your TV. I too think that their is some legitimacy to Q, but PLEASE EXERCISE CAUTION ABOUT INFORMATION PRESENTED TO YOU. THIS IS THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS PROCESS. Don't be a useful idiot anymore, for fuck's sake. You don't know if I'm a fellow concerned citizen, or if I could be right now sitting right next to Hillary and Obama fooling your ass. Do research but don't believe right out of the gate. We are trying to change this. You need to cooperate with a new way of interpreting information.

Anonymous ID: 7a8197 Oct. 10, 2018, 3:59 a.m. No.3422286   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2306


Eventually we just need to prevent any woman from entering politics. End of discussion. The petulant children don't need to be anywhere near where important decisions are made.


They should take it as a compliment anyways. I truly believe politics are the most potent, though necessary, evil in the world.