Anonymous ID: cb604f Oct. 10, 2018, 4:30 a.m. No.3422413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2431 >>2437 >>2450 >>2473


I here you Anon. I think the issue is that Q team wasn't upfront with us about was their mission actually was. This is a study in the trend of data movement accross the web from a singular source. There are things in these drops that only Q has brought up, they can then track the chatter across the web to see where it goes and where it stops. Then they track the memes originating from here, they track the spread of the pictures Q posts, they track the view count of the videos he links,etc. It's a trend analytics study. Wouldn't doubt the social media guy for Trump is spearheading this thing. I forget his name, but he's one of the best at what he does.


I feel the data he has given is good. The boom boom boom, are you ready posts were to get all of us together and throw data out for them to watch. Got your memes ready? Fire away! Vote Republican hastag


Sucks, it's a huge letdown but we we're never anything other than data points on some fucking graph. I hope it helped them get whatever they needed, but this is going to leave a sour taste in the Anons mouth unfortunately.

Anonymous ID: cb604f Oct. 10, 2018, 4:49 a.m. No.3422520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2648


This is true, but push back has always come from the anons. Mememic warfare was develop and deployed from here. The things that Q propositioned us for are things that we already do, it's what we do best. Digging on a celebrity or a politician and spreading the truth about them didn't originate from Q. That's us, that why he came here. They were after the analytics, and that's fine with me. The q clock, the map, etc is largely useless. They don't line up with events of the day. The digs are helpful for us, I enjoy reading them but Q team has no need for them and isn't going to take the time to verify the map anyway. The amount of time and effort that we put into this is staggering, we thought we were going to get this verified map of the truth of our history, what was real, what wasn't, then we just got stuck at this FISA things for months and months. We need to know who we are and how deep the lies go back so we can find our identity. I thought full disclosure was the course, now I doubt it.

Anonymous ID: cb604f Oct. 10, 2018, 4:54 a.m. No.3422557   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I hope that isn't the case. I at least want some usefulness of the work gathered here. Trump could have ended all of this with one tweet if that were the case.