Anonymous ID: d2384c Oct. 10, 2018, 4:52 a.m. No.3422539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2579


>The shills are trying to meme us to death on our own turf.

they are afraid. all their dreams crashing down. and now the president is mocking them about not getting paid.


most likely they recognized the critical roll qresearch had in taking down CBF and they had to give their bosses a "plan of action" for neutralizing this board. lol. its failing jerk offs. be sure and cash your checks before November 6th.

Anonymous ID: d2384c Oct. 10, 2018, 5:07 a.m. No.3422619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2637 >>2719


all this anti-ethanol shit and anti-farmer shit is the same old left wing anti-american propaganda.


if it is good for iowa it is good for america. period. suck on that bitch.


and, btw, since you have a brain the size of a pea, due to natural fluctuations in crop yield and the potential for disasters like crop disease or drought, in order to guarantee food security massive over production is required. if it is a good year that means you have massive oversupply. if it is a bad year that means you don't starve.


farm policy for a nation has to be calibrated for massive over supply in order to guarantee food security.


you have to dump all this unneeded food somehow, and ethanol is one of the best ways to do it. meat production is the other, but people already eat more meat than is healthy, so expanding that more won't help any one.


dumping surplus in other countries just undermines their domestic production, because they don't have the resources to subsidize like we do, which means that when a bad year hits and we can't export they will end up with famine.


us farm policy is optimal given the constraints.


dumb lefties are just too stupid to understand the policies.

Anonymous ID: d2384c Oct. 10, 2018, 5:18 a.m. No.3422690   🗄️.is 🔗kun


they will never shut up voluntarily but they will be back with an even smaller minority in actual power. remember that there are lots of republicans who are the same trash as democrats (looking at you paul ryan) and a lot of that trash is getting swept out. the "new" republican party is going to pick up about 30-40 seats in the house + 4-5 in the senate.


you have to expand your thinking outside of dims/pubs to really understand the magnitude of the red wave that is coming.