Anonymous ID: e673a4 Oct. 10, 2018, 5:26 a.m. No.3422732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2804 >>2842 >>2913 >>2950 >>3315 >>3349




Meuller /ourguy/? seriously? context and comprehension no longer matter when reading?


>How do you navigate around installed BLOCKADE?






  1. the isolating, closing off, or surrounding of a place, as a port, harbor, or city, by hostile ships or troops to prevent entrance or exit.


  1. any obstruction of passage or progress:


We had difficulty in getting through the blockade of bodyguards.


  1. Pathology. interruption or inhibition of a normal physiological signal, as a nerve impulse or a heart muscle–contraction impulse.


Why would patriots tie their own hands? They're already working at a disadvantage because they're trying to do this legally and the cabal doesn't.


>[MUELLER] designed to take-in evidence needed to ‘expose’ DS [DOJ block re: Mueller ‘evidence’ ongoing investigation].


Evidence needed to expose the cabal cannot be used because it's part of an ongoing investigation. How many times have we seen this already?


>[MUELLER] designed to limit POTUS’ ability to maneuver.


Again, why tie our own hands?


>[MUELLER] designed to ‘stall-for-time’ until MIDTERM ELECTIONS to TERMINATE all HOUSE / SENATE ongoing investigations.


Self explanatory. Ongoing investigations are stalled in the house and senate because the evidence they need is part of Muellers investigation.


>[MUELLER] designed to ‘safeguard’ D_PARTY_BASE false narrative re: RUSSIA COLLUSION [POTUS CHEATED – EVIL – SKY FALLING] in >effort to DIVIDE and MOBILIZE for future protests, riots, threats, violence, FF’s, etc.


Why help the enemy? Seems counterproductive no?


>[MUELLER] designed to provide FAKE NEWS w/ ammunition to sway public opinion, obstruct foreign + domestic agenda, fuel >impeachment/removal, fuel anti-POTUS [DIVISION] [prevent UNITY], etc..


Why make it harder for POTUS to do his job?


>[MUELLER] designed to demonstrate to foreign players that OLD GUARD still pulls strings.


Why make it harder for POTUS to do his job worldwide? Why encourage foreign players to finance the cabal and resist POTUS?


>[MUELLER] designed to mobilize D_PARTY for MIDTERM VOTE WIN.


Again, why help the enemy?


>[MUELLER] designed to push D_PARTY backers to DONATE [GOFUNDME – D_PARTY].


See above.


>[MUELLER] designed as PUBLIC OUTCRY EXCUSE should criminal charges be brought against them [‘we are being ‘politically’ attacked >because MUELLER…].


Give cabal players linked to Mueller investigation the good possibility of charges not even going to court based on 'political motivation'


>How do you REMOVE installed BLOCKADE?