Anonymous ID: f5c3c2 Oct. 10, 2018, 6:12 a.m. No.3423077   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3421988 (lb)

>>3421922 (lb)

>>3421971 (lb)

Well yes that was to be expected.

>Change of narrative coming.


Cabal is WW, and as plan A plan B plan C and plan D failed it is time to open up a wholly different can of worms.

Don't forget the cabal is used to start wars and break up countries, ethnicities, cultures and whatnot.

Trump has come to trump them, they'll change plans accordingly and play around that too.

>Remember also anon, we've been told we don't have a clue as to how big this is, how far this all goes.

Remember that famous Austrian by the name of Adolf H.

Was a smart guy meant to trump the cabal of his day and age.

They let him try and give it his best shot, they even sponsored his endeavors (and his opponents, mind you).

They'll always draw the longest straw as long as they cut the straws and distribute them.

In the end, after all is said and done, it could very well be that , ultimately, the left will have been right in that Trump could prove to have been the new Fürher, doing well for his people but burning down the rest of the world in the process. We can't know but sit back and enjoy the show. Trust the plan, knowing no one of us really knows the plan, just as it always was for soldiers the world over, back to times immemorial.


indirectly, we can get a sense of what the plan entails.

It is not nice, it is the bringing down of any culture that respects itself and then the others too, so that in the end there is but one real cultural tradition left. They will then rule from that culture while the rest will be left to their own devices, to build up some culture again and serve that master culture as was writ it the books.

We all know that really, don't we?

Have some popcqrn, anon.

Anonymous ID: f5c3c2 Oct. 10, 2018, 6:54 a.m. No.3423398   🗄️.is 🔗kun



who gives a fuck? Germany?

After they finish demolishing what's left of Europe they'll kill themselves more eagerly even than the Dems doing seppuku over Kav's nomination. kek.

multikulti never worked and this has been known for litterally AGES.

The story of Babel comes to us from the Babylonians.

The Germans will never get it through their thick skulls.

Americans might learn the hard way I don't know for sure.

And it is all done by the tribe that stole the story to put it in their own book and their other semitic frens with that other supremacist middle eastern doctrine.