Anonymous ID: 058c5a Oct. 10, 2018, 7:48 a.m. No.3423916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4139


All the GMO corn "food" products are heavily discounted & sold at Dollorama stores in Canadistan (think Dollartree in US).

People who shop there are primarily low income, oppressed people who would be easy to convince that the ruling class wants to eliminate 95% of the world's population through soft kill genocide methods, then ramp up to fema camp death trains to guillotines & mass graves in fema plastic caskets after the HRC "guaranteed" win.

So buy your glyphosate laden gmo corn chips that poison you slowly from a firm that profits China, you stupid Goyim.

Trump wanting to put all that corn into ethanol production is a good thing & only temporary I think, until a less energy & water consuming crop can be substituted for corn farmers, like sugar beets or hemp, until Tesla tech can be unveiled in a more stable, peaceful world. Peace through Strength is a big part of DJT agenda & this theory would fit within that plan.

Enjoy the winning, but realize that we still face cabal fuckery from all directions, until mil tribs can clean this up.