Anonymous ID: 700d1c Oct. 10, 2018, 7:23 a.m. No.3423634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3705 >>3740 >>3873 >>3951 >>4001 >>4042 >>4088 >>4116 >>4124 >>4184 >>4192 >>4197 >>4232 >>4233

Listen up, concernfags:


You are only getting impatient because you don't know any better. You think you have a decent grasp on what is going on and what's supposed to happen next, and then you get all disappoint when it doesn't happen the next minute.


But in reality you don't know shit! Q has told you this is bigger than you know. He really meant it: This really is bigger than you know! Bigger than you can imagine. You think you can imagine quite a lot, but it's bigger still!


Perhaps you can temper your impatience a little if you consider it has been hinted this operation has been going on for DECADES already.


Serious military men don't waste time sitting idly on their hands dreaming of future glory, they have actually been busy doing important preparatory work for all this time. It has only taken this long, because this really is how long it took!


What can they possibly have been doing all this time?


Well, for one thing, they have been preparing counters for EVERY possible move the desperate enemies might take when they are cornered like rats. The enemies could not be allowed to have any form of "if we go down, the world goes down with us" scenario in their back pocket, every single way they could cause massive damage must first be identified and neutralized, BEFORE it was even possible to start the extremely complicated process of taking them down, as safely as possible.


This means The Plan included creating safeguards against manufactured nuclear disasters, release of bioengineered pathogens, triggering of an economic collapse, and dozens of other nightmare scenarios that could kill BILLIONS and possibly end human civilization as we know it, some of which you can imagine if you try, and some that even go outside of what you think is possible. Because you don't even know half of the capabilities these people truly possess!


While /ourguys/ were working diligently perfecting The Plan so that it won't fail, the enemy was given decades of precious time to cause further damage. The world is in a very precarious state, and a lot of things have gone wrong over the last decades.


It's not just that children were continuously being raped and ritually sacrificed, our entire cultures were being hollowed out and subverted from within, in preparation for the complete and utter subversion of all that is healthy and supportive of Life on this planet. (And that's not an exaggeration - this is ultimately a fight between the forces of Life and the forces of Death.)


And yet our heroes kept patiently working on The Plan, instead of rushing into action. Because The Plan HAD to succeed, and they knew they would only get one chance.


So they watched in silence while the enemy was devouring the world and methodically destroying all that is good and sacred, because they could not afford to let their emotions cloud their judgment and endanger The Plan.


Rest assured, for every tear you have shed over how excruciatingly slow this process is, they have shed thousands! Not only over the damage being done to the world while they were still not ready to act, but also over fallen comrades that gave their lives in the invisible war that was being fought while the rest of us were sleeping.


When you read Q's crumbs in the future, remember that "many Bothans died to give us this information".


This is as far from a game as it could possibly get, this is the ultimate war between Good and Evil, the most serious war ever being fought on this planet AND BEYOND. Suffice to say this does go above 40,000 ft in more ways than one…


Truth be told, you don't know half of it, and for that you should count yourself BLESSED. Reign in your selfish impatient tantrums, and prepare to do your part, no matter how small. Every contribution matters.


Fight Fight Fight!


Pray Pray Pray!


And above all, Trust The Plan. It's all we got. And thank God we got it.

Anonymous ID: 700d1c Oct. 10, 2018, 7:37 a.m. No.3423797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3816


>why is there still flouride in the water ?

>along with many other things like that


Because it hasn't been possible to fix all these little things yet.


Fluoride will be dealt with eventually. As will aspartame, and plastic softeners causing gender dysfunction, and so on and so forth.

Anonymous ID: 700d1c Oct. 10, 2018, 7:58 a.m. No.3424006   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Thanks guys.


Some think it's futile arguing with concernfags, but typing all that out was actually a fervent prayer on my end, so it doesn't really matter if no concernfag takes notice: I poured my heart into it. And heart-felt prayers matter more than we know.