Anonymous ID: 3b9725 Oct. 10, 2018, 9:28 a.m. No.3424962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4976 >>4979 >>4986 >>4992 >>4996 >>5003 >>5012




Its been a year. No shocking disclosure that have shook the public yet. Here is a bit of advice. The longer Q goes on, the more I feel like it's a LARP. It feels more and more fake.


When Q says, this is bigger than you know. That's a lazy statement to keep us going. We don't want this to be bigger than we know. As intelligent primates, we need to define a problem and solve the problem.


It's irresponsible to want to believe this. Trump would want us to be smart about what we listen to.


And you confidentfags are just like libtards in your cultlike resolve of not wanting to have a conversation with people who disagree with you.


after 11/11/18 when you see this isn't a real thing, cut the wires loose. You deserve more time to do the things you love.


Focus on Christ and he will make your paths straight


Don't focus on Q. Q has done nothing for us other than getting us excited unnecessarily.


That's all this psyop is.


Like a laser with a cat, bad, or bored people are proving that thousands can be manipulated by an evanescent figure.


Just like big brother.


If Q was really the antichrist, how would you feel?

Anonymous ID: 3b9725 Oct. 10, 2018, 9:33 a.m. No.3425025   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>I can't read this shit with all the irritating red. Guess you didn't really expect anyone to take you seriously.


Here, I'll entertain your excuse:


Its been a year. No shocking disclosure that have shook the public yet. Here is a bit of advice. The longer Q goes on, the more I feel like it's a LARP. It feels more and more fake.


When Q says, this is bigger than you know. That's a lazy statement to keep us going. We don't want this to be bigger than we know. As intelligent primates, we need to define a problem and solve the problem.


It's irresponsible to want to believe this. Trump would want us to be smart about what we listen to.


And you confidentfags are just like libtards in your cultlike resolve of not wanting to have a conversation with people who disagree with you.


after 11/11/18 when you see this isn't a real thing, cut the wires loose. You deserve more time to do the things you love.


Focus on Christ and he will make your paths straight


Don't focus on Q. Q has done nothing for us other than getting us excited unnecessarily.


That's all this psyop is.


Like a laser with a cat, bad, or bored people are proving that thousands can be manipulated by an evanescent figure.


Just like big brother.


If Q was really the antichrist, how would you feel?