Anonymous ID: 4bdf33 Oct. 10, 2018, 8:32 a.m. No.3424340   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3424152 (lb)

>Mexicans, Arabs and Jews have teamed up to destroy America.


I see the logic there...let me try it out:

When others take pride in their heritage and engage in self-help, they're 'destroying America'


But when my group does it, and guessing from your tone you would call it 'white people,' when we take pride in our heritage, assemble and try help one another we're NOT 'destroying America?!!!' Hum, run that by me again?


Did I guess wrong? You’re not white. Alright, substitute immature bigot for 'white' and play it again. 'When we immature bigots self-help, we're NOT destroying America?????’