Anonymous ID: ccffb9 Oct. 10, 2018, 9:24 a.m. No.3424908   🗄️.is 🔗kun

like Q said, read the bible, God wins…


October 10, 2018


How to Fight the Left Effectively


By Selwyn Duke


If you're a conned-servative who gets sand thrown in your eyes and your kneecaps kicked off and slashed with a broken bottle and then still fights the next time by Queensberry rules, this article isn't for you. But if you're disturbed by the left's behavior these last years and want to know how to handle these people whose "mask has been dropping," understand this: behind that mask is the Devil.


If you're not a person of faith, view this as a thought exercise. It's one that connedservatives – those nice guys who always finish last – had better embrace fast. Because the behavior of what we call today's "left" and what Satan would prescribe are virtually identical.


Truth means nothing to leftists. The ends justify the means, and they will literally say or do anything to achieve their aims. They'll use violence – Antifa, BLM, rioting, and attacking Trump supporters – and intimidation (doxxing public officials and confronting them in various public places) while calling conservatives fascists and blaming them for the unrest. They'll rail against "racism" one moment and then excoriate a race (whites) the next. They'll preach equality while practicing inequality and discrimination, as with quotas and affirmative action. They'll claim to care about female victims (Kavanaugh-Ford affair) and then smear female victims (Rep. Keith Ellison case). They'll say, "Do it for the children," using kids as human props, while abetting the brutal killing of children in the womb. They'll preach tolerance but then insist this means "safe spaces" excluding conservatives and whites and that opposing views must be squelched. They'll say it's un-American to question election outcomes – as H. Clinton did prior to Nov. 8, 2016 – but upon losing scream how an election was "stolen," as leftists did after Nov. 8, 2016. Theirs is the ideology of Anything Goes.


In fact, leftists will swear that Truth (properly understood as objective) itself doesn't even exist, that everything is shades of gray – but then turn about and sing blatant black-white tunes portraying their political opponents as evil. This is similar to Satan, who knows that God's rules exist but doesn't believe they should be considered "Truth." Leftists will superciliously scoff at traditionalists' moral positions and insist everything is relative. But they really want to play God and have everything be relative to themselves – like the Devil.


One difference between leftists and Satan is that the latter knows that God exists. That's where the differences end. Leftists hate everything great and good: God, family, country, and even the idea of countries (attacks on sovereignty). They hate religion, especially Christianity; the Church; marriage; sexual propriety; and anything else reflecting God's plan. Thus, they not only hated the Boy Scouts before they became the Gender Fluid Scouts, but hate the idea that "boys" and "girls" even exist in any pure sense; they reject the message that "male and female He made them." They hate virtues (good moral habits) and do violence – directly or indirectly – to every single one, be it faith, charity, chastity, honesty, diligence, temperance, kindness, humility, fortitude, justice, or something else. They are the very negation of Norman Rockwell.


Leftists hate the Constitution, though they'll use and misuse (twist) it to serve their ends. Like Leon Trotsky, the Kronstadt sailors, and so many other useful idiots, it will be discarded once leftists have enough power and its utility is no more. (Christine Blasey Ford, take note.) In fact, they would destroy civilization itself – and are currently doing so – to achieve power. They'd rather reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.