Anonymous ID: e031b8 Oct. 10, 2018, 8:56 a.m. No.3424612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4663

>>3424091 (last bread)


>The Deep State Runs Guantanamo Bay and Trump is expanding it.

The US Military run Gitmo, POTUS is CIC. POTUS is expanding it for a good reason (see Jan EO & 50k sealed indictments)


>The Deep state tortures people and Trump made Her head of CIA.

You are referring to Gina Haspel and extraordinary renditions. She knows the covert world of spycraft very well. She is a key asset to dismantling these corrupt networks that are involved in drug running and human trafficking. She was 'following orders' from higher up brass, it wasn't her idea. (Yes, 'following orders' is not a defense but gives insight to how entrenched this network of people had become. Fear of death by blowing the whistle is a real thing.)


>THe CIA has not been disbanded. Trump continues to praise them.

On 3.1.18 the CIA was downgraded as and Agency and is now a Department under the control of the NSA. The CIA as a rogue agency is dead, but there are still active networks that need to be dealt with.


>The Deep State did 9-11. Trump is ignoring this issue.

There is no evidence of Trump ignoring this issue. There are larger issues that need to be dealt with before the truth of 9/11 can come out. Israeli involvement makes this a very complex issue at the current time.


>The Deep State wants project blue beam or some pseudo alien invasion. Trump is creating Space force for them to sell it.

Blue Beam is a plan to trick people into believing there is a existential threat from beyond in order to bring in a new world order (which Trump is dismantling). Space Force is literally a new branch of the military focused on space warfare and exploration. The two are not related.


>The Deep State Killed JFK. Trump let them continue to hid the documents they were supposed to release.

Trump DID release documents, however not everything. Realize that over 60% of the population already knows there was some sort of conspiracy. We may yet see the entire archive released, but we probably won't learn much more than we already know.


>The Deep State wants to keep giving weapons to Saudi Arabia and Israel. Trump has continued to allow this( yes i know it didnt start with him but it also hasnt stopped with him.)

Arms deals are still needed for nations to defend themselves. Maybe World Peace can change all this. That's the path in which we are headed.


>The Deep State wants us involved in Syria. We are.

We are literally fighting the DS (ISIS) in Syria. Russia is helping.


>The Deep State wanted the Embassy in Jerusalem. Trump did it.

This is part of the Middle East Peace process, spearheaded by Jared Kushner. A very complex issue.


>The Deep State wants us to Attack Iran. We are moving towards that if you believe the twitter things I posted in one thread about this(despite Nikki haley resigning to stay ahead of corruption charges)

The US will not attack Iran unless we are attacked first. The regime will be brought down with sanctions and the people of Iran rising up against their oppressors.


>You know what Bush and Trump have in common? John Bolton.

John Bolton scares the shit out of our enemies. Why not have him on board?