Anonymous ID: 0962d4 Oct. 10, 2018, 10:36 a.m. No.3425822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5835 >>5840 >>5845 >>5858 >>5874 >>5902

Anons, i have great news for you if you have low blood pressure:




Last night on @CNN, Kanye West was called a “token negro” and a “dumb negro”. I want you guys to imagine if those words were EVER uttered on @FoxNews. CNN has finally committed to going full blown RACIST. They want their slaves back



Portland Police Want To Charge Driver With Crimes After Escaping Mob Protest – Violent Protesters Considered “Victims”

Anonymous ID: 0962d4 Oct. 10, 2018, 10:50 a.m. No.3425988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6004

Ratings: Taylor Swift Can’t Save AMAs From Hitting New All-Time Low


ABC’s “AMAs” set a new record low in TV ratings on Tuesday, despite Taylor Swift opening the show with a performance and closing it by clutching the evening’s top award.

Anonymous ID: 0962d4 Oct. 10, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.3426105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6292 >>6360 >>6495



We all know Deep State depends on moving people & drugs across the border to keep money flowing into their Black ops. Check out the new Gates being proposal by DHS:


“Once installed, the gates will serve as a persistent impediment to illegal entry while still allowing access to the riverside of the gates for the USBP, certain private citizens and other local/state/federal officials, and local emergency responders,” the department said in a statement.” Washington Examiner “DHS waives environmental rules to boost border security in Texas”

Anonymous ID: 0962d4 Oct. 10, 2018, 11:05 a.m. No.3426211   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“…drawing a blank”… always remember for every Fake News release, there is a counter point. Keep in mind the Rabid Left lost the Kavanaugh war. Every stop is being pulled out to try and motivate their voters. Where do they go when things look grim? They prop up Hillary and roll her out with that dour, post mortem expression, wind up the key in her back and put a mic in her face so she can drone on with more tired, failed rhetoric that has never worked for her. They just turned Antifa loose into the streets again to burn vehicles, chase people with clubs, throw urine and terrorize in general. They also make a 9-1-1 call to Hollywood. Dig deeper whenever the news tells you a story meant to cause fear or early defeat. The report of new registrations after Taylor Swift’s comments means nothing. Here’s a few reasons why:


Several states were coming up on a deadline to register to vote in the November election–completely unrelated to Swift. Another occurrence much underreported, of course, is that the RNC took in record-breaking donations once Judge K cleared the Senate–RNC contributions have been unprecedented over the disgraceful treatment of Judge Kavanaugh–RNC contributions in Oct have been up 600% since the same point in Sept. Registration drives in PA show new GOP registrations and switches from Dem and Indy to GOP. Several Senate seats long held by Dem’s are in real danger of being flipped. There are unreported aggressive grassroots ground games going on all over the country in support of Repub’s even though the Lyin’ Jackals Media Corpse only reports on what the America Last crowd is doing.


There are many other examples but bottom line, if you hear a report that confuses you or makes you weak-kneed that we won’t win, throw cold water on your face, wake up and get in the game. Did we quit two years ago today when all the experts, all the polls, all the signs pointed to a massive Hillary victory? C’mon, people. If we have time to be nervous because Taylor Swift is going to vote for Democrats, we have time to get to work for a MAGA candidate and donate to others.


Here’s a do-able game plan toward victory. Everybody can do this and if everybody does, Taylor will wake up November 7 finding herself in the bleachers and we’re captains of the cheer team:


Pick a MAGA candidate to help. Go outside your state if you need to. Get to their website, find out how to volunteer. If out of state, you can still make calls for the candidate. Spend 4 hours per week volunteering, pick which method they offer that works for you. Get some campaign materials, stop by your neighbors and tell them why you’re supporting the candidate. Contact everyone in your email and cell phone contacts, contact friends, family, coworkers, people you go to church with or sit next to at Friday night’s football game. Better yet, host a little wine and cheese gathering or coffee and dessert event, hand out materials and ask for votes. Get 5 people to vote with you, ask each of them to get 5 people to vote for the candidate. Get a bumper sticker, glue it to a magnetic strip (sheets of magnetic rubber can be purchased as arts and crafts big box stores). Put the sticker on your car, remove it when you aren’t driving to protect against vandalism. One bumper sticker out in traffic equals $1000 in media advertising. Pick one other MAGA candidate in a tight race somewhere in the country and make an online donation. If you can’t decide which race to support, may I recommend supporting Josh Hawley who is closing in on Claire McCaskill in Missouri. Unseating her would be a moral blow to the Left, the likes of which we haven’t seen since Hillary got walloped by DJT.


Get to work, ignore the media, ignore the polls, ignore teeny bopper millionaires. We CAN and WILL determine the outcome in November–do your part to be damn sure it’s the outcome we must have.


Most people can’t do a lot, but everybody can do a little. Stop hand wringing and get to work! Get out the vote! Work hard for the sake of your families, your country and your President! We are not tired of winning but we have to help push more winning forward.

Anonymous ID: 0962d4 Oct. 10, 2018, 11:21 a.m. No.3426415   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Trump says:


‘This is a very dangerous world.


This is a sick world in many ways.


I see things as president that you don’t want to know about.


We have to be on guard for some really treacherous people that are running SOME PLACES AND we are so prepared.