Anonymous ID: 1ce462 Oct. 10, 2018, 11:11 a.m. No.3426282   🗄️.is 🔗kun


''Dichloroacetate sodium (DCA) is an inexpensive and simple chemical compound similar to combining vinegar and salt. It was originally used in cases of a rare disease called “congenital lactic acidosis.” This means it is not a “new” drug and has been used safely in humans for decades.


In 2007 at the University of Alberta, DCA, a simple molecule, was found to kill off cancer cells in breast, brain and lung cancers in rats, while not harming healthy cells. [1] It was observed that DCA would turn on natural apoptosis (cell death) in the cancerous cells of lab rats. It was also observed that DCA blocked the process by which glucose is used by cancer cells, thus removing their energy source and starving them. Notably, it did not block the use of glucose by healthy cells. Researchers worldwide have confirmed the University of Alberta’s findings.''