Anonymous ID: 2321f1 Oct. 10, 2018, 10:56 a.m. No.3426090   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3425593 (lb)


By the way, like how you kept replying to your own comment. Does anyone fall for that? I mean for a whole 1/10000th of a second I actually thought someone might have been in agreement with you. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!


Why so triggered? You swing but can’t take a punch? To me that means you’re a weak cowardly piece of shit, and that’s what I called you. Thought you were all for TRUTH?


On a philosophical note, one could (and has) make the argument that were you to do as much as cut across the lawn in a park, you’ve probably committed some crime.


That said, perhaps next time learn to read, better yet, follow a conversation and UNDERSTAND the full context of what’s being discussed before you make a fool out of yourself.


To whit >>3425199


You said:

>I exposed 3 Jewish members of a family court as ACCESSORIES TO A CRIMINAL ACT

>Patriots don't shill against those who want justice…

>But pedos and Jews do… Which are you, faggot?


You claimed that, as a Jew, I was ‘shilling against justice’ … not a stretch to say you feel that you have ‘exposed’ me since you’re obviously a crusader for Truth, Justice and the American Way. You’re obviously raging….as in ROID RAGING. Tell your dealer to start cutting the shit, you can’t handle all this pumping iron.


> The world is waking up to (((you people))) and you know it… Squirm, motherfucker.


Uhm, deep. Real deep. Do me a favor me a visit and tell me all about it. Why this need to jackoff on a Metro where everyone might see you? Guessing a case of low self-esteem. I’m extending an invitation to host…so put down the keyboard soldier, man up, fly out and meet me. Think of it as a much needed break on your part. You won’t feel the compulsion to splooge to Leni Riefenstahl movies while you’re here.

Anonymous ID: 2321f1 Oct. 10, 2018, 11:23 a.m. No.3426433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6533



Nice post anon. The Shareblue trolls and/or members of the Brennan Brigade (alright, and the true believers), belie their true unrestrained bigotry every time they post.


Were the moo joos able to just ONCE qualify a post with 'the MAJORITY of the Jews….' or 'In my experience, MOST Jews…..' I would never say a thing…but they can't. They are here either to create division, which your post points out OR they are ignorant bigots who, ignorant of what they speak of, throw everyone into a group and try to denigrate them. Ironic really because they complain about the same thing is being done to them. What they never do is state a fact that jives with reality. They live of this shit. An example…because one extreme sect of orthodox Jews have mohels that seem to do some fucked up shit when they perform a circumcision, then ALL Jews do it???? Huh? I only have fifty years of first hand knowledge that they don’t. Were I to show any Jew I ran into, save for some area in NYC, a picture of their meme, they would be revolted and ask what’s up. But the moo joos want to pretend it’s a common practice. On a side-note, I guess they are also saying there are no other weird extreme sects in other religions….yeah, no extreme Christian practices, no extreme Catholic practices, no extreme Muslim practices…the Mormons wearing their holy white underwear is perfectly normal. Burying gold-plated writings of L Ron Hubbard out in a nuclear bunker in the desert seems normal (I know, it’s not a religion). Joseph Smith claiming Missouri as the new Jerusalem…nothing strange there. Christian Scientists refusing all medicine (even though their sick children often die)….nobody would find that strange. You can't make this up.


The moo joos, paid or otherwise, are the gutter-crawlers of humanity and they contribute nothing, nor does their spam align with ANYTHING Q or President Trump has ever said. In fact, it's in stark opposition to it. Yet, they linger here. Brock's money must be too good to pass up.