Anonymous ID: eba972 Oct. 10, 2018, 11:08 a.m. No.3426239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6263 >>6271 >>6275 >>6334 >>6431



Be honest with yourself. Had you ever once even heard these names?


James Comey


Andrew McCabe


Jim Rybicki


James Baker


Bill Priestap


Peter Strzok


Lisa Page


Mike Kortan


Josh CampbellD


David Laufman


John Carlin


Sally Yates


Mary McCord


Bruce Ohr


Rachel Brand


Michael Steinbach


John Glacalone


Randy Coleman


Trisha Anderson


Kevin Clinesmith


Tashina Gauhar


Sally Moyer


Did you know who they were? Did you know they would be fired and ashamed?


Didn't fucking think so.


Me, either.


Q woke us up and needs more time to roust the Normies.

