Robert David Steele ID: 60ff2f Oct. 23, 2018, 10:29 a.m. No.3575099   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Robert David Steele will Help Push us over the Goal line and WIN this last Fight! His plan 2 Give All the remaining Black Panthers clemency is just the right thing 2 do(and let's be real, will help the black vote)! They are the only true Civil Rights Activates left! Alot of them died in Prison, so they paid the ultimate price and should be honored,and can be given clemency non the less. I would also like 2 see if NESARA LAW is possible and if it's fair 4 all. Not enough people talking about that! Can someone Please make a list that we all can easily print out, if the things out President have been doing 4 us all. That list will be so long and beautiful! Why does nobody buy Trump Care that the Saudis were involved in 911,but Everyone cares about 1 reporter nobody can prove 1 way or another without a body!