Anonymous ID: 20b1f5 Oct. 10, 2018, 12:15 p.m. No.3427030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7036 >>7050 >>7079 >>7171

While you are all pissing in the wind over Q's tongue lashings, you are forgetting to dig!


Just wait until journalists are held as Enemy Combatants and tried under military law. Think it won't happen? It was signed under authority of the Hussein administration. Behold the article from The Washington Times.



Anonymous ID: 20b1f5 Oct. 10, 2018, 12:31 p.m. No.3427233   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Logical thinking!


They are stripped of access the US civil justice system, so all outstanding habeas corpus petitions are stayed.


Where is the only logical place they can be tried?


They are subject to trial and punishment by military tribunals for acts which render their belligerency unlawful.”