Anonymous ID: 3491a9 Oct. 10, 2018, 11:58 a.m. No.3426842   🗄️.is 🔗kun


dude, you are sadly misinformed, while the communists are indeed odious (I killed my fair share for uncle sam in SOUTHCOM,)the god damn jews are always at the root. Even in LATAM, i as a young dumass I found ISRAELI weapons dealers selling guns to SANDANISTAS AND FMLN AND THE GUYS WE WERE TRAINING (contras, la guardia, etc etc) FMLN were routinely captured with GALILS, uzi’s and most disturbing Colt m16a1’s that were traced to fucking IDF (advanced joo mode model:= get free guns from american goyim “foreign aid” sell guns to goy adversaries,- profit!