Anonymous ID: 3ea4bc Oct. 10, 2018, 12:06 p.m. No.3426929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7090




it does feel like that. I can honestly say idk if mcstain is dead or not.. maybe hes chilln in south American :-[ hope not


I dont know what's going to happen. i just know that the there are people who are getting arrested. That CNN is losing their shit... that 4Ch fuks have joined 8ch .. because 8ch wasn't shit already... that Demo leaders are pushing for violence and immediate intervention of Republicans personal lives.. that "truther's" like Luke R - we are change, black stone intell, aim, etc ... r trying to manipulate ppl, some directly attack Q, some attack Trump, some attack both... for a LARP??? .. if its fake.. if this was a farce, no one would give two shits. No one would be talking about this... but they are - WHY???


it's because their control over their viewers is falling apart. its because people are seeing the deception because of the Q drops.


Q isn't our only hope. If this fails or if Q turns coat or whatever, we all have witnessed our ability to sways peoples perceptions and how to influence a population. Our actions matter. We can make a difference, on our own, if we need to... However, i'm giving these guys the Benefit of the Doubt - because of everything that has happened so far.


The DS has been working undecover for over a 100yrs ... i don't expect Potus to take them down in 30days or even 1 year nor 2. Because of the rule of law, if we want to keep our oaths, we must follow the law in order to prosecute these guys fairly. Due Process must exist or what's the point of all this?? We aren't a dictatorship. we can't just throw ppl in jail and then have trials... that's literally DS rule... that would mean Judge K would already be in prision. That's NOT the AMERICA I am fighting for!


Let's do the right way.


This isnt just about America. DS here is also overseas... everything is intertwined. It takes time to take down a web of lies, deception, & tyranny that has plagued our world.


so, Yes Faggots - I'm with Q