Anonymous ID: 3f7871 Oct. 10, 2018, 11:59 a.m. No.3426857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6896 >>6931 >>6944 >>6959 >>7062

Q is full of shit.

Q is not a larp.

Both of those being said, they are both also true.

WE did not claim arrest would be made,or that the cabal is stupid. Q did. If they are so stupid, why are arrests not being made? Q goes to great lengths to explain this, and his reasoning seems legitimate, until you look just under the surface.

To make people flip, you dont hold potential arrests over their head, you arrest them. I know, I know. The courts. The courts are full of leftists, but they always have been. Ditto the grand jurys in leftists districts. How do you circumvent that? The GJs must be held where the crime was committed? Not necessarily. Lawfags will fill you in on that. So to say a bunch of leftists can get away with anything because of packed courts, lefty FBI and DOJ officials, and left bent GJs. Ok, if that is true,how can Q claim there are more good than bad? Must we wait until that changes miraculously? How do we do that? Memes? Good luck with that. Meanwhile, all other information promised to the public, not just us, is still withheld, and it's 3 weeks until midterms. This information is conclusive and undeniable, and irrefutable claims Q and will bring the house down. No more cabal can walk the streets without fear. Are beginning to understand where I'm going with this?

This has been pro Trump propaganda, not necessarily lies but fake all the same, to win midterms. That is the plan. There is no other plan. No information coming forth. No October surprise.

Surprise! Many anons know this already. Q will not tell you this honestly, or bluntly, but he has said it in cryptic bullshit before.

It is ALL up to us. Win or go home. Tits or GTFO.

He said must learn it naturally, and the choice to know is yours.

So there you have it. We must save the Republic, because only we can. Get as many people to vote and of course we must vote for one side, no matter if that side are a bunch of spineless idiots. At least they will be our spineless idiots, and they will vote alongside Trump.

Don't expect them to fight however. They are useless.

Anonymous ID: 3f7871 Oct. 10, 2018, 12:11 p.m. No.3426989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7096


Your head is so far up your ass, you wouldn't understand critical thinking and you are no anon. I'm not cta. I will ask one question.

If declas fisa brings down the house of cards, why doesn't Trump do it?

Pull the thread and expose all the lies?

Why won't he?

You know he can.


Surely you jest.

Ask Q. He will tell you.


Anonymous ID: 3f7871 Oct. 10, 2018, 12:26 p.m. No.3427175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7271


Timing is important, no doubt. But why would you LEAVE people in these important positions, knowing they are criminals?

Also, how do you remove them? Maybe muh arrest them? Get them to flip on others. Or you believe mass arrests will happen? Bullshit, but lets say you are right. Military tribunals? That would start WW3, not just a civil war. And also bullshit. So you pick them off, one at a time, like what is happening. This will take 200 years, and those replacing them are just as dirty. Great plan