Anonymous ID: dbb24a Oct. 10, 2018, 12:13 p.m. No.3427002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7093 >>7169

sounds stretchy..hear me out Anons.


>>3426415 (lb) this post from last bread..POTUS saying

> "‘This is a very dangerous world. This is a SICK world in many ways. I see things as president that you don’t want to know about. We

> have to be on guard for some really treacherous people that are running SOME PLACES AND we are so prepared.


I hope most Anons are aware that weather warfare is a THING.

Now get this. We know traitors helped ship technology to the commies in PRC and hold over commies in Russia. WHAT IF..they shipped weather mod tech to China which would be a legitimate thought if you're evil.

You can bet your ass they did. Why wouldn't they?

Chinese in Venezuela/Cuba? Russians?

Seeing this storm and its path towards DC is with at least heavy rainfall looks more than suspicious to me.

Now..POTUS, in his small speech before signing this drug bill just emphasized that the storm is named MICHAEL in an unusual way.

What if..they wanna send a sign? and naming it after Kavanaugh?

Hurricane MICHAEL

Brett MICHAEL Kavanaugh


How many of the states on path are red states? Catch my drift? I think they not only want to engage enough NG to thwart efforts in OUR storm but bring about chaos and destruction. If you see MSM engage in fuckery over the next days re: POTUS doesn't help his people you this is REAL. They already started. POTUS' rally tonight in PA..He said it wouldn't be good to send all the people home. They are already standing in line over there. I can smell that this is some devious fuckery afoot.

all pics related.

full pdf of

Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025


DoD basically explaining that weather warfare especially from space is a must have item in the future.

Think HAARP n shit.

Anonymous ID: dbb24a Oct. 10, 2018, 12:23 p.m. No.3427132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7221


'member how "Florence" went into NC while on the other side of the planet some serious storm killed people in Indonesia(think South China Sea) and then Hong Kong?


retaliation? back and forth?

Anonymous ID: dbb24a Oct. 10, 2018, 12:39 p.m. No.3427327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7365


i saw it and called it out back then..just look at the fuckin's CLEARLY shopped..there's nor reasoning with that..also backwards search brings NO OTHER pictures..stop fuckin around.