Anonymous ID: 2b2d71 Oct. 10, 2018, 12:44 p.m. No.3427381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7400 >>7502 >>7700

So many people here end up angry or depressed because they simply do not think like PDJT.


PDJT built a real estate empire. That means you lose some and win more. It is also primarily about positioning, creating leverage, and patiently waiting for when the time is right to make your move.


We have NEVER had a President that had this skill set honed after decades of execution like we do now.


Additionally, he is and always has been, apparently from birth, AMERICA FIRST. This combination of talent, brains and values is why he is MAGA.


But what he is NOT:


1) Motivated by anger, revenge or control but uses those emotions ONLY to position, create leverage and to wait…it is his winning strategy.


2) Impatient…enough said.


3) Racist, misogynistic or anti anyone or anybody.


4) Inflexible.


Like EVERY SUCCESSFUL MANAGER, PDJT is a master risk manager. He is NOT going to take unnecessary risks and when he has both position and leverage, he is going to do everything he can to minimalize ANY variable that might disrupt the winning path he is on. No matter how good or tempting that variable may be.


I say this to all of you because all of you who are getting pissed off because RR is NOT going anywhere for the next 4 weeks and the FISA is NOT going to be released for 4 weeks because, thanks to the Dems handling of the Kavanaugh confirmation AND PDJT winning on NAFTA, the economy and his constant campaigning, WE ARE ON A WINNING PATH and the ONLY variable that could CHANGE this would be for Muelley to release a report that gets us off course. NOTHING else is going to make him do ANYTHING to change the path we are on. NOTHING.


So cool your jets. Your bellyaching and whining because of your anger, cold, hot or otherwise is NOT going to change his path. He has WON for years, he KNOWS the whole story and HE has the POSITION AND LEVERAGE to handle even a last minute variable from Mueller. These constant posts 24/7 whining and angry from longterm posters here are demoralizing and those from these strange new posters are annoying and maddening. And ONLY hurts our unity and focus on the mid-terms.


There are going to be so many changes AFTER the mid-terms that will DELIGHT everyone here. Watch and see.


But in the meantime. Trust PDJT.

Anonymous ID: 2b2d71 Oct. 10, 2018, 1:02 p.m. No.3427614   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tom Arnold Gets Into Heated Exchange With Pro-Trump Superman Actor Dean Cain (Video)

Anonymous ID: 2b2d71 Oct. 10, 2018, 1:05 p.m. No.3427662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7684 >>7705 >>7712 >>7724

Mayor Bill de Blasio



Everyone has a right to their own identity. Everyone has a right to be themselves. That's why New Yorkers can now change their gender to M, F, or X on their birth certificate. To our transgender and gender non-binary neighbors, New York City sees you and has your back.

Anonymous ID: 2b2d71 Oct. 10, 2018, 1:21 p.m. No.3427895   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Three examples of sharia-adherent muslims in positions of authority inside our government:


  1. Abdurahman Alamoudi was the Islamic advisor the President Clinton and met with him more than any other muslim in America. Alamoudi was a “Goodwill Ambassador” for the U.S. State Department and founded the Muslim Chaplain Program for the Department of Defense. Alamoudi is now in federal prison and was an Al Qaeda financier.


  1. On 9/11/01, Suhail Khan was working inside the White House, and then became a close advisor to two successive Secretaries of Transportation with a clearance. Khan is the son of one of the most prominent U.S. Muslim Brotherhood leaders in the 1960’s and 1970’s, Mahboob Khan. Suhail Khan lauded his fathers efforts and was publicly praised by Al Qaeda financier Alamoudi.


  1. Gulmurod Khalimov participated in five (5) U.S. State Department training programs which included weapons and tactics training between 2003 and 2014. During this time period, videos were available online where Khalimov – a jihadi commander in Tajikistan at the time – called for killing Americans. Khalimov then became the “Minister of War for ISIS.” The State Department defended their training of Khalimov by stating Khalimov had been appropriately vetted.

Anonymous ID: 2b2d71 Oct. 10, 2018, 1:28 p.m. No.3427997   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump grabbed my VOTE.. and i let him