Anonymous ID: 66e1c6 Oct. 10, 2018, 12:45 p.m. No.3427392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7430 >>7479 >>8033

Thank you Q team for all your hard work. My family lives in Florida and my Dad wants to fill in his mail-in ballot. The problem is that he remembers the Democrat party of JFK and thinks absolute control by one party is bad. While my Mom and Dad admit that Gov. Scott did some good things for us they are probably going to vote for Senator Nelson to "maintain balance" in our government.


I have gotten him to hold off on filling it in and sending it until 10/20 but he wants to get it done and send it in. I'm sure I'm not the only one trying to keep friends and family to the right of center for this election. And other neighbors are already sending in their mail-in ballots too.


My parents are not rabid Democrats but they don't "see enough" from MSM or the daily paper to create a change of view. Time is getting tight especially when so many in Florida are older and mail in their votes.


It's not impatience but here on the Q boards we see BOOM BOOM BOOM but all most normies see is pop pop pop and I don't think that's going to be enough for us to hold the line against Democrat chaos.


I'm sure many of us are doing our best to red pill but it is not easy. Thanks for any help you can give us for big BOOMS soon.