Anonymous ID: 6f02af Oct. 10, 2018, 1:05 p.m. No.3427679   🗄️.is 🔗kun

To all you fags complaining about shills and concern fags.


I'm always catching up. My examining of number of posts I've come to the conclusion that if someone posts over appox. 8 +/- and no significant info is there they are probably shills etc.


there are exceptions


I scan through the responses to see if anything is relevant, if none, then use the P+ delete option. This helps reduce the number of posts that you have to endure.


this is my opinion only

Anonymous ID: 6f02af Oct. 10, 2018, 1:19 p.m. No.3427875   🗄️.is 🔗kun

To Picture Man if you're lurking. I plan to continue the higher dimensions and post here.




I plan to post, on my humble website, my plans for the one dimensional issue. Of course for legal purposes it will be what I would do, and I have no means to implement such actions.