Anonymous ID: a76160 Oct. 10, 2018, 12:47 p.m. No.3427410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7415 >>7922 >>7991 >>8073



Families of Daraya rehabilitate their houses to return to normal life

With high will and determination, families of Daraya, in Damascus countryside, in cooperation with the local municipality, are going ahead in rehabilitating their houses and shops, overcoming their wounds and suffering caused by terrorism. Nearly 100 thousand citizens are expected to return to Daraya successively.


800 electrical power transformers arrived in Lattakia as a grant from China

Head of the Electricity Directorate in Lattakia, Eng. Nazih Maarouf, said that 118 containers arrived in Lattakia port including a range of power transformers of various capacities and distribution transformers, in addition to cables.

He pointed out the grant is well–timed given its importance during the stage of reconstruction and rehabilitation, especially that the electricity sector in Syria suffered significant losses during the past years as a result of terrorist attacks.


Turkish Defense Ministry: Idlib Demilitarized Zone Is Completely Established

The deadline for demilitarized zones to be fully functional expires on October 15. A day or two do not play any role, in any case, the quality of these works is more important,” Lavrov told reporters at a news conference in the capital Moscow, according to the Turkish Anadolu Agency.


Canisters With Chlorine Got in Daesh Hands Due to West's Irresponsibility - MoD

According to the Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation, Daesh terrorists have attacked militants from Nusra Front and have seized at least two barrels with chlorine gas.

During the skirmish in the area of the Al-Latama village, four militants and two White Helmets staffers were killed, the Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation said Wednesday.


Ambassador al-Sabbagh: The OPCW confirmation of Syria’s destruction of its chemical weapons ‘worthy of praise’

“With the collapse of the terrorist organizations now in Syria as a result of the progress of the Syrian Arab Army, they are deliberately fleeing to other countries such as the White Helmets or are returning to their countries of origin with expertise in the use of chemical weapons, which necessitates the strengthening of international cooperation to counter chemical terrorist threats to security and stability of the states,” he noted.


US Sends More Diplomats to Coalition-Controlled Areas of Syria: What’s Behind the Move?

Defense Secretary James Mattis announced on Oct. 2 that the number of US diplomats in Syria had doubled. No specific number was mentioned, but the move was motivated by the need to intensify the diplomatic effort, with “the military operations becoming less.” Under the label of “Syria,” the secretary was referring to more than a quarter of the country, with an estimated population of 1.5 million to two million people. This territory is controlled by the US-supported and Kurdish-dominated SDF and its political wing, the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC).


SDF Claims It Killed More Than 600 ISIS Fighters During Its Operation In Euphrates Valley

US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that their fighters have killed 651 ISIS terrorists and captured 6 others since the beginning of the SDF military operation against the terrorist group in the Euphrates Valley a month ago.




Anonymous ID: a76160 Oct. 10, 2018, 12:47 p.m. No.3427415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7433 >>7922 >>8073





Syria calls for immediate release of prisoner Sudqi al-Maqt

“On October 9th, 2018, the so-called Israeli High Court of Justice issued a verdict which supports al-Jalil Court’s sentence of 11-years imprisonment against the dean of the Syrian and Arab detainees in the Israeli jails, Sudqi al-Maqt, from Majdal Shams town in the occupied Syrian Golan who was re-detained by the Israeli authorities on February 25th, 2015, after he had already spent 27 years in Israeli prisons without any moral or legal justification,” Foreign and Expatriates ministry said in its two letters addressed to the UN Secretary General and President of UN Security Council.


Netanyahu wants to redraw map in the Golan, Russia says – go to the UNSC

Recognizing the illegally-annexed Golan Heights as part of Israel would be a violation of UN Security Council resolutions, Israel on the Golan Heights is a fact that the international community must recognize and as long as it depends on me, the Golan Heights will always remain under Israeli sovereignty,” Netanyahu said during an inauguration of a synagogue in the Golan Heights. John Bolton insisted that “there’s no discussion of it, no decision within the US government.”


WATCH Syrian Army Flush Militants Out of Volcanic Hideouts


Syrian War Report – October 10, 2018: YPG Cells Attack Turkish-backed Forces In Afrin

he Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) carried out a new attack on Turkish-backed forces in the region of Afrin. According to the YPG, 4 members of Turkish-backed groups were killed by the YPG in the village of Mariam.

This was the first YPG attack in Afrin, which become public in October. In September, the Kurdish group carried out about 20 attacks. Most of them took place in the first part of the month.

The decrease of the YPG military activity in the region of Afrin is most likely linked to additional security measures employed by the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and their proxies.

On October 9, President Bashar al-Assad issued the legislative decree No. 18 for 2018 granting a general amnesty for military deserters inside and outside the country. This amnesty does not include fugitives from justice unless they turn themselves in within 4 months for those inside the country and 6 months for those outside the country.

This development is another step by the Damascus government aimed at supporting the reconciliation process in the war-torn country. It may also impact positively on the return of the Syrian refugees from the nearby states.

Moscow has information on the attempts to re-deploy terrorists from Syria’s Idlib to Iraq but these actions are being cut off, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov said on October 10. He added that “Iraq is dealing with that and it clearly does not need extra terrorists”.

Iran, Syria and Russia have repeatedly voiced concern on redeployment of members of terrorist groups, mostly ISIS and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra). Reports about helicopters of the US-led coalition evacuating ISIS members from the province of Deir Ezzor to the coalition’s bases appear in the Syrian state-run media on a constant basis.

It is interesting to note that the Russian Foreign Ministry has also pointed out activity of “unidentified helicopters” in Afghanistan, where they provide supplies and other logistic support to ISIS members.

The US-led bloc is actively denying these reports denouncing them as “misinformation” and “propaganda. Nonetheless, according to multiple experts and security sources, at least a part of ISIS members successfully redeployed from the Syria-Iraq battleground to Afghanistan and Libya.

Anonymous ID: a76160 Oct. 10, 2018, 12:53 p.m. No.3427495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7696

Deployment Of U.S. MK-41 Missile Systems In Romania, Poland Violates INF Treaty: Russia


The US started deploying Aegis Ashore missile defense systems as well as MK-41 Vertical Launching Systems (VLS) tubes, which can be used to launch intermediate-range cruise missiles in Europe in June, the Russian Foreign Ministry says.


Vladimir Ermakov, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Department for Nonproliferation and Arms Control, stated that the deployment of MK-41 VLSs in Romania and Poland contradicts the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.


“There are also serious questions regarding the actions of our American colleagues that are contrary to the INF Treaty, including the ground-based deployment of universal Mk-41 launchers in Romania and Poland,” he said during a general debate in the First Committee of the UN General Assembly.


In May, US President Donald Trump accused Russia of violating the INF Treaty and ordered Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to propose new sanctions against Russia in connection with the alleged violations. Then, Moscow responded by saying that Russia had never violated the agreement. In turn, Russia says that the US is the side violating the INF Treaty on a constant basis.

Anonymous ID: a76160 Oct. 10, 2018, 12:55 p.m. No.3427508   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China Expands Economic Efforts In Lebanon, Syria Challenging US Foreign Policy In Region


On October 9th, a new shipping line opened between China and Lebanon’s Tripoli, doubling the volume of products coming from China to the country.


The first delivery was made by a container ship called the CMA CGM Congo.


“The vessel is the first to hold 10,000 containers. It will unload 1000 containers in Tripoli port for the local market, and the rest will go to other ports in the region,” said Ahmad Tamer, manager of Tripoli port.


The new line is called Beks and according to Tamer it is characterized by its capacity to hold big-size cargo vessels that can be up to 50 meters wide and 300 meters long. He also said that improvement of the port and trade between the countries resulted from Lebanon’s efforts and China’s support of the improvement plan.


Lebanon’s Tripoli is located on the Mediterranean coast, about 30 km west from the Syrian-Lebanese border. China Harbor Engineering Company has worked on rehabilitating the port in the city since 2012, to allow it to receive big vessels. In addition to that, the port has also had a terminal created to receive Chinese cranes capable of lifting and transporting more than 700 containers daily.


In July 2018, during the 8th Ministerial Meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met in Beijing with Minister of Economy and Trade Raed Khoury of Lebanon. Both officials had nothing for praise for the cooperation between the countries and reiterated their intent to cooperate in the Chinese Belt and Road initiative.


According to Chinese Belt and Road Portal, attention is now turned to how this improvement can assist in the reconstruction of Syria.


China is a big economic player in the region, with reports in 2017 showing that it accounted for 80% of Syria’s foreign trade. China and Russia have coordinated their stance on Syria. With Russia’s assistance China has boosted its cooperation with Syria, with even coming close to sending military assistance, according to a report by Stratfor from August 3rd. Both the Chinese ambassador to Syria as well as its military attaché to the country have previously raised the possibility of assisting in the recapturing of Idlib. However, open military participation from China has never happened in the Syrian conflict.


Now, it seems that Chinese actions may be aimed at establishing an economic foothold in Syria, which is not limited to trade only.


Chinese and Iranian cooperation is also well known. It was further reinforced when in August 2018 CNPC, a Chinese state-owned company, took Total’s stake in a $4.8 billion oil deal with Iran. The French company pulled out of the deal due to fears of US sanctions and influence, the Chinese however were not deterred by the threat.


As it stands, the US and Israel are opposing the establishment of the “Shia Crescent,” with both countries constantly showing aggression towards mostly Lebanon and Iran, but also towards Syria. Simultaneously, however, China is seeking to boost its economic influence in the countries from the so-called “crescent”. Thus, the Middle East may soon become another hot point in the US-China conflict. Tensions between the states have been growing quickly since the beginning of the Trump-initiated Trade war.


If that is truly the case, following its stable relationship with Iran and Lebanon and its attempts to enter Syria and assist in reconstruction, it would not be surprising if China offers to provide large investments in Iraq. Chinese diplomacy through economic approach appears to be on the rise.

Anonymous ID: a76160 Oct. 10, 2018, 12:56 p.m. No.3427531   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Unprecedented’: Chinese Intel Officer Extradited to US Over Economic Espionage


Chinese Ministry of State Security officer Yanjun Xu was extradited to the United States on Tuesday, where he was charged with attempting to steal trade secrets from US aerospace and aviation firms, the US Justice Department announced Wednesday.


"This indictment alleges that a Chinese intelligence officer sought to steal trade secrets and other sensitive information from an American company that leads the way in aerospace," said John Demers in a news release. Demers is the assistant attorney general for national security at DoJ.


The case is not an "isolated incident," Demers said, but rather, "it is part of an overall economic policy of developing China at American expense."


Xu has been in police custody since April 1, when he was detained by law enforcement officials in Belgium, the department said. The charges were only unsealed October 9, however, after the Chinese intelligence operative was extradited to American soil. In total, Xu faces four counts of conspiring to commit economic espionage, attempting to commit such espionage and stealing trade secrets. He will face trial in Cincinnati, Ohio.


"This unprecedented extradition of a Chinese intelligence officer exposes the Chinese government's direct oversight of economic espionage against the United States," said Bill Priestap of the FBI's counterintelligence desk. Priestap is assistant director of the FBI's Counterintelligence Division.


Xu worked to identify and recruit talented individuals in the aviation industry, including experts at GE Aviation, "often initially under the guise of asking them to deliver a university presentation," according to the indictment. "Xu and others paid the experts' travel costs and provided stipends."


The alleged intelligence operative's arrest comes at a point in time when Washington and Beijing have imposed costly import tariffs on one another's products and declined opportunities for military cooperation.


Xu is the second alleged Chinese intelligence operative charged by federal US authorities since September 26, when Ji Chaoqun, 27, was taken into custody for allegedly working at the direction of a Ministry of State Security officer. Ji had been a student at Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago and was serving as a reservist in the US Army at the time of his arrest. He allegedly was part of a Chinese plot to identify American engineers for potential recruitment.

Anonymous ID: a76160 Oct. 10, 2018, 12:57 p.m. No.3427539   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Catholic Bishops Go Rogue; Will Release Names of Accused Prests Regardless of Pope


Dallas Bishop Edward Burns will join other bishops in Texas in releasing the names of all priests who have been accused of child sex abuse since the 1950s.


According to the Diocese of Dallas, all 15 bishops in Texas have agreed to publish a list credibly accused clergy members before the end of January.


It’s an effort to show their ongoing work to protect children from sexual abuse, as well as promote healing and the restoration of trust in the Catholic Church.


“Opening our files to outside investigators and releasing the names is something I have been considering for some time. Since I believe it is the right thing to do, the Diocese of Dallas has had outside investigators, a team made up of former FBI, state troopers and other experts in law enforcement, examining our files since February, and they still have work to do.” Bishop Burns said.

Anonymous ID: a76160 Oct. 10, 2018, 12:59 p.m. No.3427566   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Where’s the outrage over Hillary’s call for a ‘civil’ war?


Two events from the last two days stand out. The first came Monday night with President Trump’s forceful yet compassionate speech at the swearing in of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.


The president opened with an extraordinary apology on behalf of the country to Kav­anaugh and his family “for the terrible pain and suffering” they endured during the historically brutal confirmation process. He said the unfounded allegations violated fairness and “the presumption of innocence.”


Trump also tenderly addressed Kavanaugh’s young daughters, telling them “your father is a great man, a man of decency, character, kindness and courage.”


The event was something of a spike-the-football moment in front of a cheering White House audience and as such was a clever piece of stagecraft, where Republican Sens. Mitch McConnell, Charles Grassley, Lindsey Graham and Susan Collins were saluted.


But the ceremony was much more than mere boosterism. With the eight other Supremes sitting in the front row, Trump aimed to restore dignity to the judiciary at a time when the dirtiest tricks of politics have buried the court in a mountain of mud.


The president is right to worry that the character-assassination attempt on Kavanaugh may turn out to be a seminal moment in American political and cultural history. The ideas that the court is just another political branch and that the presumption of innocence no longer applies if you are on the other team represent a seismic shift in how we look at each other and the nation as a whole.


If those ideas stick, we are in more trouble than we can imagine.


And while Trump has at times unnecessarily contributed to the rancor, he was terrific Monday in trying to repair what Senate Democrats and their media handmaidens tried to destroy.


Which brings me to the second event of note: Hillary Clinton’s statement Tuesday that Democrats “cannot be civil” as long as Republicans hold the White House and Congress.


“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” Clinton told CNN. “That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”

Anonymous ID: a76160 Oct. 10, 2018, 1 p.m. No.3427590   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Expedited Border Wall Construction in South Texas Announced by Trump Admin


The Trump Administration announced plans to expedite the construction of new border wall gates along the Texas border in the Rio Grande Valley Sector. The gates will secure gaps in the physical barriers along the Rio Grande River border with Mexico.


The Department of Homeland Security issued a waiver to allow the expedited construction of gates. The gates are designed to close areas of the wall that were previously left open along the Rio Grande River. Officials published the waiver on Wednesday, according to the Department of Homeland Security.


The action comes in response to the massive numbers of migrants crossing the border in the Rio Grande Valley Sector. The sector is consistently apprehending the largest numbers of migrants illegally crossing the border — particularly family units and unaccompanied minors.


During August, Border Patrol agents apprehended 37,544 migrants who illegally crossed the border between ports of entry. This is up from 22,293 in August 2017 — an increase of more than 68 percent, according to the August Southwest Border Migration Report.


In the Rio Grande Valley Sector, Border Patrol agents apprehended 16,752 migrants including 7,094 Family Unit Aliens (FMUA) and 2,234 Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) in August, officials reported. This is up from 13,241 total apprehensions in July that included 5,215 FMUAs and 1,929 UACs.


In April, Los Indios, Texas, Mayor Rick Cavasos spoke out in support of the border wall and called for closing the gaps in the wall near his community, Breitbart Texas reported. His comments came shortly after President Donald Trump and Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced the deployment of additional National Guard troops to the area to help secure the border.


Breitbart Texas has observed multiple gaps in the border wall throughout this area. Often times, the gaps are guarded by stationary or patrolling agents or they are monitored by electronic means. Frequently they are unguarded.

Anonymous ID: a76160 Oct. 10, 2018, 1:02 p.m. No.3427615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7658

Solar Powered Narco-Tunnel into California Features Rail System, Say Police


The investigation of a recently discovered yet incomplete narco-tunnel into California revealed structural features such as a rail system and ventilation powered by solar energy.


The tunnel was originally discovered by the Mexican military in coordination with the Baja California Norte State Preventive Police (PEP) on September 20 in the rural farming community of Ejido Jacume, located on the outskirts of Tecate. Security forces received an anonymous tip about the location. Authorities found the remote property with a residential structure containing a tunnel. The property sits approximately 221 feet south of the U.S.-Mexico Border.


One day after the tunnel was discovered, the scene was taken over by the Office of the Attorney General of Mexico (Procurador General de la Republica, or PGR). The PGR was issued a search warrant and they authorized the U.S. Border Patrol’s Western Corridor Tunnel Interdiction Group (WCTIG) to enter the structure from the Mexican side for the purpose of mapping and determining if an exit existed within the United States.


On October 4, U.S. agents were able to determine the tunnel entry point had a shaft approximately 31 feet deep with a total length of 627 feet–336 feet were inside the United States. The average dimensions of the tunnel in the United States were three feet in height and roughly 2.5 feet in width. Agents reached an exit shaft that went approximately 15 feet toward the surface but remains unfinished.


The tunnel had a full-length rail system with electricity, ventilation, and lighting. Agents reported a solar panel powered the structure. There were also two sump-pumps to remove any collected water.


The tunnel is the fifth discovery of its kind under the administration of Governor Francisco Arturo Vega de Lamadrid as part of the “Cruzada por la Seguridad, Tarea de Todos” (“Crusade for Security, everyone’s task”).


Breitbart Texas reported on several incidents in the northern border region of Baja California and the United States. Police discovered a major drug lab on August 25, resulting in the seizure of four tons of methamphetamine. A fentanyl lab was also recently found in nearby Mexicali, where 20,000 tablets were seized along with precursor chemicals. In April 2018, a sophisticated tunnel measuring approximately 740 yards from Mexicali to Calexico, California, was discovered by the Mexican Army and Federal Police.

Anonymous ID: a76160 Oct. 10, 2018, 1:03 p.m. No.3427641   🗄️.is 🔗kun

California Elections Official Does Not Know if Non-Citizens Have Voted


California Secretary of State Alex Padilla does not know if any of the 1,500 people who were improperly registered to vote by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) this year voted in the June primary elections, the Associated Press reports.


On Tuesday, multiple news outlets reported that the DMV had erroneously registered 1,500 people, including non-citizens, to vote between April and September. The reports came after the state government insisted for years that its safeguards would prevent that for happening — a significant concern given a 2015 law that allowed illegal aliens to obtain driver’s licenses, and a 2017 law that automatically registered Californians to vote when they obtained driver’s licenses, if otherwise eligible. While the state says that no illegal aliens were registered to vote, at least one legal alien was confirmed as having been registered.


The AP elaborated:


The roughly 1,500 people either told the DMV they were ineligible or didn’t confirm their eligibility but were registered anyway, he said. The group included at least one non-citizen living legally in the state and perhaps many more. It could also include people under 18 or those ineligible to vote because of a criminal conviction, Padilla said. The DMV said none of the people mistakenly registered are people living in the country illegally.


The incorrect registrations occurred between April 23 and Sept. 25 because of a “processing error,” according to the DMV. California held its primary election June 6 [sic].


Early voting for the Nov. 6 election began this week.


California’s motor voter law letting residents automatically register to vote through the DMV took effect in April. Since then, people have newly registered or updated their voter registration more than 3 million times, DMV spokeswoman Jessica Gonzalez said. The new law is aimed at making it easier for people to register and boosting voter turnout.


Padilla added that the DMV may have to suspend the “motor voter” program if problems persist. Last month, Padilla admitted that 23,000 registrations had been filed with significant errors.

Anonymous ID: a76160 Oct. 10, 2018, 1:17 p.m. No.3427839   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Agreed in part and I remember this post from back in Aug. Issue that seems to be manifesting tho is the complete inability of us to maintain those who we have awoken to stay awake as they believed then wavered then went back to sleep labeling us crazies!


Maybe a small taster which is irrefutable needs to be deployed by the Q team to snap the dozers back to life.


Unless of course the plan is to bring things to the brink of complete chaos and drop it all in one hit, leaving everyone completely shell shocked wherein we can step in and assist them thru this.

Anonymous ID: a76160 Oct. 10, 2018, 1:20 p.m. No.3427884   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Government Motors: GM appoints an ex-CIA deputy director to its board


General Motors appointed a former deputy director of intelligence at the Central Intelligence Agency to its board on Wednesday.


Jami Miscik is the chief executive and vice chair of Kissinger Associates, a political consulting firm founded by former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. She has held various top roles at the firm since 2009. Before that, she worked at Lehman Brothers and Barclays.


"Jami is a seasoned leader with experience in assessing the geopolitical and macroeconomic climate," said GM Chairman and CEO Mary Barra in a news release. "Her unique and extensive background in intelligence, security and risk analysis and mitigation will add significant insights to GM's board and the company's overall strategy."


Miscik is also on the board of Morgan Stanley and is the co-vice chair of the Council on Foreign Relations, a think tank.


GM's shares are down more than 21 percent since the beginning of the year, and hit a new 52-week low in trading Wednesday of $32.12. Like some other automakers, GM has been hit in recent months with higher costs and a difficult international environment due in part to an ongoing trade war between the United States and China, which is an important market for GM.

Anonymous ID: a76160 Oct. 10, 2018, 1:26 p.m. No.3427964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8073

Dow Sinks 800 Points as Tech Stocks Slide


US stock market indices including the Dow and the Nasdaq took a beating on Wednesday as the Dow plunged 830 points, or more than three percent.


The S&P 500, which aggregates share price information from the top 500 companies in America, sustained a 2 percent fall. The S&P's decline was its largest daily drop since February, Reuters reported.


Stocks could continue sliding down as much as 10 percent before advancing again, Mona Mahajan, investment strategist at Allianz Global Investors, told Reuters.


Notable moves included:


Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 831 points to 25,598

The Nasdaq Composite shed 315 points down to 7,422

Tesla tumbled 2 percent to $256 per share

Snapchat fell 5.7 percent to $6.59

Google Class A stock stumbled down to $1,092 after falling four percent

Amazon shares suffered a $115 sell-off, falling from $1870 to $1755

Apple's stock dropped 4 percent down to $216


"This is a bull market correction. It's probably healthy. This will pass and the US economy remains strong," a White House official told CNBC's Eamon Javers.