No true alternatives.
It's in the nature of the system.
No consequences yet either.
Except all being logged by NSA in Bluffdale.
Shared with other 3Ls in an unknown amount.
Don't know how it will play out yet.
These elites won't win.
Regular John Doe is waking up to the state of their control.
'Eat the rich" will be a theme shortly.
Check the papers.
Just the SuperPAC filings alone...
So many small ones against the elites.
Still in this fight.
All has been logged.
Can't lose.
Only killed.
Win either way.
Accepted this fate but the deadmans switch holds for now.
Been on the move.
I'd say working but I love this craziness now.
Anons are either all crazy or we are all right.
Either way, we aren't wrong.
Then hopefully everyone will see what is going on in Guantanamo.
That's US soil.
It's not a casino.
It's not a Trump Tower.
I wish it could be a resort.
I'd for sure go then.
Multiple rallies a week now.
What do you hear at them?
Because I'm hearing LOCK HER UP at every one.
This isn't just a campaign slogan.