OLYMPIA – The Washington State Department of Health and four local public health agencies are investigating reports of five children hospitalized for sudden onset of paralysis of one or more limbs.
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Three cases of a mysterious illness that partially paralyzes children and is likened to polio have now been confirmed in Pittsburgh. It is called Acute Flaccid Myelitis, or AFM, and it affects the body’s nervous system, specifically the spinal cord, and can cause paralysis.
There have been 38 confirmed cases in 16 states so far. Now it’s in Pittsburgh.
Rare Polio-Like Illness Strikes Chicago-Area 2-Year-Old
AFM, Polio-Like Illness, Found In Iowa
Earlier this week we told you about a mysterious polio-like illness showing up in Minnesota. Now we are learning of a young child in Iowa diagnosed with the disease.
Illinois: 9 cases of suspected polio-like illness
The Illinois Department of Public Health announced Wed. Oct. 10, 2018 that has received nine reports of acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) from health care providers.
3 North Texas kids contract rare polio-like disease
There have been three confirmed cases in North Texas at Cook Children's Medical Center, including 5-year-old Elizabeth Storrie. She became sick earlier this year and has made a full recovery.
41 Colorado children diagnosed with rare viral infections in unprecedented
The Colorado Department of Health is investigating an unprecedented outbreak of rare viral infections with neurological complications among young children, state officials announced Tuesday.
Article general
Doctors warn of mysterious and paralyzing child illness similar to polio