ID: ac992c from last bread glows really fucking hard, had 15 posts lb
Try harder, shill.
Anons see you.
ID: ac992c from last bread glows really fucking hard, had 15 posts lb
Try harder, shill.
Anons see you.
They got all the info they wanted from him, is my guess, so his usefulness is done with mostly.
kys shill
Holy fuck, kys you deranged piece of shit.
The fuck you talking about, you deranged meth head, kys before your door is busted open by the FBI.
You reek of shill now, GTFO
Yes the only real post is the first one, only 1 post by that ip/device
All the rest of the faggots posting are division shills, i get some are trying to inform, but its triggering the division shills and the shills are trying to slide the bread.