3, 11, 19, 27
look at a October calendar and understand the meaning behind the
Future proves past.
3, 11, 19, 27
look at a October calendar and understand the meaning behind the
Future proves past.
Something had happened I forget exactly what. Thought it was RR resignation but it hasn't been tendered yet I don't think.
wtf…. did I already miss POTUS rally tonight?
yeah I'm looking at trump rally page
7:00 EST…. 6:00 CST…. it's already 7:30 here…. thought I was waiting for his rally ugh
Oh well.
what I find interesting is that POTUS has no rallies tomorrow. What's so important?
why didn't you buy premium gasoline? That's oftentimes the only thing I will run in anything anymore including my 2005 Prius.
I get 42-43 on e-10 and 48-50 on premium.
Doesn't really justify the 25 cent premium but I like seeing higher mileage.
and for the record I AM in the middle of corn country. I don't feel like supporting the bastards destroying the environment. This whole area will be a literal desert before long and then they will ALL be FUCKED.
Think ground hard as cement that you won't be able to grow any corn and flash flooding on a weekly basis and record breaking flooding even more than we are already seeing.
Cherokee, Iowa hit 26 feet the other day, just a couple years after another event. It's a 25-30 year event before the last few years, now it's happening with terrifying regularity.
I would implore all of you NOT to buy gasoline with ethanol in it.
We do NOT need any more of that shit. The farmers need to go bankrupt.
You will NOT starve because the farmers in the mid west go bankrupt.- lots of it in storage and the junk food companies can learn how to do without the shit.
If they want it bad enough they can pay what it's actually worth. Back in the day- the rule was that 10% of the land needed to stay in woods to sustain wildlife. Right now we have far less than that and we are literally turning into a desert out here.
Right now, we have the illusion of rain but it's all running into the rivers…. very little of it is actually going underground where it belongs. Billions of gallons of water…… causing record breaking flooding across the Midwest rather than replenishing the aquifers.
No…. need to return to family farms of yesteryear.
Feed cows on grass, make bread with real sourdough yeast that has to rise for 12 hours before baking, eat vegetables out of the garden close to where you live……
Please explain why the hell we go to all this work to feed cows in feed lots when we could put the same corn in grass and let the cows do all the work?
You really want to know why? Because cows fed corn go to market 6 months sooner than cows fed on grass.
That's not worth my health.
the artificially low rates have fucked with land prices so bad it's not even funny
Year 2000- $300/yr cash rent land price $1000/acre
Year 2015- $300-325, maybe $350 cash rent land price $10,000 an acre.
WTF happened?
Year 2000- interest rates 8-9%
Year 2015- interest rates 1-3%
I can't even think about owning a farm right now.
>It's called a US Cheap Food policy and .gov has forced us to expand in that fashion.
Exactly. The government needs to get the fuck out of the food business- they have no business in it other than ensuring safety.
That is cool, anon, never heard of feeding hemp! Thank you for sharing.
I'd love to have a commercial veggie farm but I am afraid that at 35 that'd be too much work anymore except for personal veggies and a few family/friends. An allcrop harvester and raising good quality grains would be awesome.
I do too! I live in a small town in farm country and it's shocking what the policies have done to the land… it's totally fucked up.
There's a house in a acre or so grove north of Denison, maybe north of Schleswig, Iowa that was on an relatively steep hillside that is at the edge of the limit to farm that recently got torn down and turned into crops. There's a creek at the bottom of the hill… sad to see that it is gone… just a few more tons of dirt in the Gulf of Mexico, I guess.
>Everyone is focused on monthly payment instead of actual cost
and really bad for people like me. I want a chance that business would be good and I could pay off the loan in a reasonable amount of time, not having a sword over my head for the next 30 years because I paid way too much for something.
Absolutely… there is a house in that general area on Market Ave that's up for sale, 3 acres for $135K for the home site. Just another case of overpricing the market while interest rates rise. Part of a 40 acre parcel that's being split off. IMHO should be $75-90K at most.
Exactly. You and I are a very rare breed. I do NOT want to pay xx amount… I don't give a SHIT what monthly is.
You're missing the point too!!!!!!
Would you rather buy the $400,000 business with $750 monthly payments or the $100,000 business with $750 monthly payments?
BUT BUT BUT BUT it's all the same payment!!!!!!
No, it's not! Because it'll take you at least 4x as long to pay off the $400k loan as the $100k loan.
Basic math, anon, most people have failed it.