>>3431009 (lb)
I suppose he too has a magic wand to change that hair.
fuck off, Kelli.
no gross anatomy, no audience.
here's a pic vincent gave me last month.
get a thicker rope, you fucking shill bitch.
>>3431009 (lb)
I suppose he too has a magic wand to change that hair.
fuck off, Kelli.
no gross anatomy, no audience.
here's a pic vincent gave me last month.
get a thicker rope, you fucking shill bitch.
fuck you Kelli
get your anatomy right.
oh, wait, – you don't have a medical degree
& can't compare basic landmarks & surface features unless they're photocropped.
who's the shill? we been here LOT longer than
you think.
just 2
until others doxx themselves.
no one is that stupid to fuck up basic gross
anatomy, and think Jr is Vincent.
THAT right there is the real fucked up shit.
True Shills.
Two different hands. Jr w/ a subluxation at the
RT 4th DIPjoint. Straight on Vincent.
It is a totally different skull, you nitwit.
Orbits are different,
brow line w/ the adhesed superficial fascia different,
& Jr had Exotropia. Vincent does not.
You're really fucking sick pushing this R larp.
YOU are a SICK, SICK individual.
Jr w/ either congenital or malunion intra-
articular fracture of the 4th DIPJ w/ midline deviation…..
Let's see the SHILLS try to get Vincent to fake that!