Report back. I'm not wasting time on Fox.
He has a date with a cell.
Ya, lets quit growing corn and keep paving parking lots and building more strip malls. Idiot.
They run on diesel.
I have raised cattle in the past. It's called a US Cheap Food policy and .gov has forced us to expand in that fashion. You should really do a little more research before spewing your Utopian dreams.
I farm and I wish they would get out of the Ag business. Most of the Dept. of Ag funds go to SNAP anyway, but it makes normies think that the farmer is getting it.
I know the area anon. I'm in southern MN. They should sell old farmsites rather than dozing them and farming them. Property like that is worth more as a homestead than a field.
Double that price in my area, I'm sure it is there also. You can sell a building site to be razed and rebuilt for 10k/acre if near a town and on a tar road.
Is he interrupting himself and everyone else?