Begin bear market.
Fed Reserve unable to pull QE tricks.
Political? Pull rug underneath economy before midterm.
Necessary. 0% FRR for years finally coming home to roost.
Today is the beginning of economic boom.
Begin bear market.
Fed Reserve unable to pull QE tricks.
Political? Pull rug underneath economy before midterm.
Necessary. 0% FRR for years finally coming home to roost.
Today is the beginning of economic boom.
Would require default.
Would require total collapse of FRN, and everything that is denominated in FRNs.
Forget stealing TVs, people will be stealing canned food.
> there is no inflation
Incorrect. PPI/CPI do not include biggest ticket items. Inflation in terms of expanding money supply has been high - just calculated low because of rigged stats.
Housing, gas, not included. Housing has been up since recession, gas is rising fast.
Keynesianism is false and Austrianism is true.