Anonymous ID: 422ae9 Oct. 10, 2018, 7:32 p.m. No.3433023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3055 >>3062 >>3248

hey anons

from my perspective, this is maaaaybe why many real anons are really concerned right now.

why has the shriveled hotdog BLASEY-FORD not been exposed? is the twuth just too hard for the pubwic to handle?

it's all dandy that POTUS and FLOTUS are doubling down on the need for evidence, but why the fuck not expose BLASEY-HOTDOG?

it's like the popular vote horseshit. WHY could we not get some exposure during the last TWO YEARS?? how many times has "butbutbut popular vote and hilareeeeee" been thrown in our faces since election?

or the seemingly ever-changing list of POTUS accusers. why not have a dedicated team which publishes debunking with evidence? when the propaganda media trots out the latest accuser, they get investigated right away and face justice if they are lying.

if they know that we know that they know, why the weak turtle act still??

MEN need your help right now to end this weaponized rape train you've allowed to gain steam by not curbing propaganda fake seditious media over the last two years. you may have cuck'd them via the "fake news" branding, but they still punch the clock to the tune of $40K to $80K per day before turning to the cameras to tell us how everything POTUS says is a lie.

i don't like how POTUS is left to get crapped on endlessly as he states the truth without our agencies also offering proof to the public.

end this meToo shitshow already. get us some parity back, FFS.