You see it.
Only for reference, I'll mention that a number of times over the past many months I've talked about {THEIR} plan for assasination.
Every mouthpiece on the news (including FOX), online, in print, on the radio, it's mentioned over and over within every story written and every word spoken, the mantra is repeated again and again:
It's this relatively benign comment, "This country has never been more divided, than under the Trump administration."
This is HUGE propaganda and it's total bullshit, of course.
But as I've been suggesting, the utter insanity that {THEIR} liberal MSM has displayed every single day attacking Trump and the right, is all part of {THEIR} their plan.
I honestly thought the day before could not ever be topped in sheer stupidity by the liberal MSM Fake-News, but they keep upping the anti.
If it wasn't so dangerous about {THEIR} insane efforts to depose Trump, it would actually be funny, but it's an incredibly sinister part of {THEIR} plan.
While their efforts are to keep {THEIR} ever decreasing leftist-nutters voters, by constantly bashing and ripping apart Trump and his every word and making him out to be the most evil, racist bigot this country has ever seen, all for setting up the premise of {THEIR} more sinister objective.
That is?
Creating an excuse {THEY} will use when one of {THEIR} leftist nutters harms, or assassinates Trump.
Sit back and just imagine exactly how the liberal MSM will present a Trump assasination to this country?
Not one tear would be shed, just a blanket 4am note of instructions to 100% blame Trump himself for creating such a, "divisive" atmosphere in this country, that caused his own death.
It's most certainly {THEIR} ultimate plan, because everything the left is doing, has been total failure.
But here is what has me worried most:
Rand Paul's comment about his fear of an assassination.
The word "assassination" by a prominent opponent has officially been spoken.
The light has officially turned green for {THEM} and {THEIR} assassination efforts.
Paul's words of assassination will only keep getting repeated and what's worse, Paul's comment will be used in the future as proof of a divisive country, when an assassination becomes real.
The liberal MSM, the DEM left and the Deep State, {THEY} now have what they want.
A tactical plan of propaganda creating this fake divisive narrative in this country, in order to blame Trump for his own assassination.
The crazy lone gunman will be blamed, while everyone remains profoundly oblivious to this sinister plan {THEY'VE} put into place at least 18+ months ago.
{THEY} will never be attached and implicated to a horrible event like an assassination.
I pray with all of my heart Trump remains out of harms way.
Somehow, we've got to disrupt {THEIR} current plans and tactics and call it out.
I think the dam has broken and talk about assassination will keep growing.
GOP officials, pundits and anyone with a conservative voice must immediately fight back and point direct blame upon {THEM}, especially the liberal MSM and Deep State.
Hearing Rand Paul's words is exactly what {THEY} wanted to see happen.
{THEY} finally have someone from the opposition to admit this country has a divisive atmosphere, one that could cause an assassination.
We must change {THEIR} narrative right now and describe our country as whole, as a country that is together and NOT divided.
We should then point our fingers in the direction of the subversive liberal MSM FakeNews, and those Democrats instigating protests to confront GOP members, all in {THEIR} efforts to divide this country.
We all know what's going on.
We still must counteract with a team-like concerted effort, exactly like a huge marketing and advertising program.
That's all I've got.