Yup. A woman. A dog. A family. A people.
A demonized forbidden truth in spite of it ruining your life due to people like you that side with the left who you know are known liars.
I know love like you could never imagine.
You love safe things.
You love approved things.
You make sure the left allows you to love those things.
I despise people like you and the rest of the christards in this thread.
You have done nothing to fight back against the left this past decade. You faggots were always always in the way. Being faggots like you are being right now.
We fight the left. We don't act like bitches and cower in the face of being called names...(anonomysly over the internet-which you faggots do)
I have been fighting these jews and leftists for ten years and I don't care about defending a country that hates me for being a straight white male. I don't fight for you. I fight for me. I fight for what this country was and always should have been but because of your leftist brainwashing you resist.
It is okay to be white. It is okay to want this country to be white.
It is okay to know for a fact that the best situation is for this country to be white and to stay white.
All of our children would sleep well at night.