President Trump is a Patient Genius!
I especially like Trump's Puppetmaster Operation
It started when Friends of Trump solicited a book
Called Fire and Fury that portrayed Trump
As a bumbling fool. The Cabal all believed it.
Then he passed an Executive order last December
While the Cult of Con-Artists were preparing for their big Satanic Holiday
So they didn't really notice it,
Which, under Satanic rules, means they gave consent to being fucked in the ass.
Then Trump used the EO
To seize many of their assets, freeze bank accounts.
But they expected that, so, like George Soros,
Had dispersed lots of the cash.
But it was overseas
So now they all went travelling with various excuses
Not realizing that they were being pulled
By the PuppetMaster's strings
Because he knew where the secret stashes were.
They ran into all kinds of procedural problems
Like daily limits on transfers in person
And the next say the account would be frozen
They got just enough money, to travel coach
And keep running where the puppet master wanted them to.
Great fun!
I have eaten so much popcorn to build up my body fat
Ho ho ho!