a month out exactly from 11.11
fucking KEKEKEK!!!
dude i fucking love james woods (no homo)
fucking dude STAYS on fire hahahah
All copacetic now frenz, but i didn't think there was at the time, which led to more and more drug use exacerbating the problems. probably 10 fold.
but ya for about my entire sophomore year of highschool, not a drop.
probably remember my lack there of of dreaming more than any of that shit.
mannn, theres a time in my life i don't care to revist if we ever get some time hopping goin on.
i think one of the biggest problems with that shit is there can literally be anything in any of it.
got pure meth pills once under the guise of X.
got poison pressed pills once that sent electrical shocks reverbing through my whole spinal cord, found the same pills later on the dea bulletin blotter w/e it was called, shit was ACTUALLY poison, lucky i didn't drop dead then.
man i kinda forget about all this shit come to think of it. wheehhwww
Eric Dollard's History and Theory of Electricity lays down some pretty incredible info on it. i actually just wrote him a note thanking him for teaching me more on the subject than any teacher, class, professor anything ive seen combined. dudes a fucking dielectric badass.
watching it again right now matter of fact now that this was brought up.
MOAR from the KING! KEK!!!
that clock
ya know speaking of this, old man's cousin or best friend or whatever it was, worked for the almighty Donald way back when… dude said he did not sleep. NEVER. hes like we'd be working on whatever, id get a call from him at 3am. 5am. 2am the next night etc.
do "time" travelers sleep??
absolutely my fren. dude blows my mind. got another long one called "Origin of Energy Synthesis"
couple all that with original Tesla notes, We could light up the World Ourselves.
got a buddy that was brought on the inside track of some crazy shit like this, dude can count out the exact decimals of pie out 70 places and its not some rehearsed calling card, he was saying some advanced computers they were messing with were functioning better on base 60 and "water." his words, "because it has a perfect memory."
i have no doubt in my mind if We here were tasked with it, with their aid, we could have Tesla's Wardenclyffe up and running again in no time flat.
personally, id rather start with the standing lightning bolt at colorado springs, or lighting up the worlds oceans. just because we CAN.
"Tesla could go into visions so intense that Tesla was renowned for building motors in his head, and running them for months to see the rate of bearing wear."
man if i could be in the same room as these great minds… man… the electrical engineers of History were fucking astounding.
aussieanons are some freakyfucks too
because it's Q with a +
never gave 2 shits about race.
until certain members of certain other races started tending to pull guns on my ass, break into my house, or have to watch whitey get beat down 10 on 1 including by 400lb cross eyed diabetes police.
stats are stats. numbers don't lie.
niggers like guns. at least they dont know how to hold them.
not gonna lie this was always my first assumption back when this cocksucker appeared nearly out of thin air.
good lord i forgot how awful that fucking pigeon horse shit is. makes my fucking ears bleed.
they all sound like they have fucking down syndrome.
kek well we know its in shekels.