I am a freak. These assholes targeted me from birth. Wrapped me up in so many of their fucking programs. Fighting back feels good, always has. I particular enjoy the company here though.. feels like home.
hard to separate humans from nature. nature manipulates itself in cycles. prolly ought be careful with our "free will" to extracting "compressed, locked up, fuels"… guessing we are self-regulating organism part of the whole.
i am really curious who the shills are. corporate shills? USFG shills? foreign government? someone is responsible at this point… dunno that spewing hate and violence is illegal… but jesus, we ought to know who is purposefully and successfully dividing our nation..
interesting.. sauce?
so the irish are jews? …
the funny thing is the shills are scared of ANTIFA realizing they are co-opted and joining under the Q umbrella…. otherwise they wouldn't be posting that stuff. It is funny, some of it, but still divisive.
yea. muhjews. muhshillblue/muhvotereperblican. muhconspiracies. muhANTIFA. muhliberals. muhFORD, muhKAV…. where the fuck is ol' george bush? thats right… muhdemocrats.. muhdick. muhboobs. muhretard. muhSTFU. Welcome to the the chans…