Different ID's, looks like the second post is just speculation. First post is unteresting, though.
Did they confirm identity somehow? Lots of people pretend to be mega.
These threads have given me hope that Christianity can be salvaged. It will take a lot of effort, though. Many will resist. Situation will likely get worse before it gets better.
The church has lost it's way. From gay protestant priests to pedophile Catholic priests, not to mention all that was cut out of the Bible. If Trump can fix those things, or even make significant progress, he's a miracle worker.
>And for others of different beliefsโฆ.
>There is much Good work we can share in.
Bless you.
I mean more the actual instructions for inducing higher states of consciousness leading to divine visions. The prophets, many of them, and Jesus knew thise secrets, but they weren't passed down to everyone. Those things were always reserved for the few. Jesus mentions this at one point, saying his disciples were given the secrets but the rest got parables instead. These days many Christians think those secrets are Luciferian. A lot of work to be done. Our heavenly Father has blessed us with the task, I suppose.