If you don't understand that this is a multi year plan and you best be here for the long haul, then you best leave now and resume normal life.
This started shortly after the solar eclipse and will end shortly before the next solar eclipse.
This plan is 7 years long.
7 years for redemption.
Midterms 2018 we will get a SOLID R majority in the House and Senate.
Senate COULD be 77 R to 23 D, however, right now best case is low 70's.
Cali governor will be R and then Di Fi will resign and R gov will appoint R senator. I hope that the same thing happens to Pelosi, making both Cali Senators Republican. New Cali Gov will totally remake Cali and we will no longer have Cali shit vs other state shit.
2018 Midterms are a MANDATE for Trump. If Trump loses midterms, mandate is gone. If Trump wins midterms by a landslide, Trump keeps going and keeps MAGA.
[No worries on him losing at all]