It is almost like they go to class to learn how to say "oh how we suffa"
Oh wait they do.
They all learn this in Jew school.
It is almost like they go to class to learn how to say "oh how we suffa"
Oh wait they do.
They all learn this in Jew school.
And how many booms did we have the Anons dont understand yet?
Is it possible the Secret Service detail around Obongo and Hillary are basically prison guards? They arrested them months ago then after a time with water and a board they put them back out on the street to gather intelligence and do what we want?
Like that Saudi Prince held up by his heels and beat by American Mercenaries in Riyadh at the start of the Q show?
Frankly it is a perfect way to go about removing all the fangs of the Satanist one step at a time.
Why would Q ever be mad at us? We are his creation. They wanted us because we are hard to herd. They need us to help break the mind control. If we are doing things they dont like I would think they would come up with something creative to steer us back on target.
Shit I though I was white. I am a negro compared to her.
Is this the Jew Marine from last night? Actually said he was a marine and wanted to help us anons not be tricked. KEK…..even said he was a Marine.
The biological fact is it does not make sense for males to be super choosy about who they fuck.
At least until your wife puts the hammer down.
I like this chubby little teddy bear Kim.
I bet no one died and they all are on the run from Trump and shit. Next time we see them they will be singing at the Superb Owl.